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The Really Big Blog Post. Important Messages.

So it's been great for me to stay There's lots of things happening, and things you should really check out. Check out, the all new people's guide, Ryan Newman II, created by my friend. She's a character from Zoom (whichI enjoyed to watch, last August) and she's little Miley in episodes known as Smells Like a Teen Sellout and I'm Hannah, Now Hear Me Croak. There's also the Fighting Weasals Club, which you should defentely check out. And don't forget check out Hedgehog's profile for Pizza & Aliens: Do You Believe In Them? I have six great friends, and you must check out their profiles. Anyway, today is's Quote Day (hosted by Life_Flamingo). Now here are the Six Quotes, i've chosen:

1. Best Sophie & Victor Chat:

Victor: Uh, uh, Sophie?
Sophie: (dreamily) What?
Victor: Uh, your dad's having dinner with General Stone, and General Stone's not the kind of guy who likes strawberry hearts on his cake.
Sophie: Oh, sorry, Chef Victor. I guess I just have something on my mind.
Victor: Oh. Well, I got---
Sophie: I said I have something on my mind.

2. One of my favorite Ned Quotes:

Moze: What does Suzie have that I don't have?
Cookie: Ned.

3. D & J Quote:

(Drake and Josh have just found out they've won a contest)
Drake: I've got to kiss someone!
(Drake kisses a girl)
Girl: What was that for?!
Drake: I won a contest.
Girl: Yay! (Kisses him back)
(Josh finds a woman and kisses her)

Josh: I won a contest!
Girl #2 (man's voice): Congratulations man.

4. TSLOZAC Quote:

Nia: Say, why don't we fly to London.
London: I'm already here!

5. HM Quote: So Groat

Hannah: It is so great to finally meet you! I am a huge fan!
Mikayla: Yeah, I hate you.
Hannah: Thanks! I feel the exact same... what?
Mikayla: Your voice is stingy, your music is stupid, your outfits makes me wanna puke on them, but it looks like somebody already did.

And now for the final sixth quote:

6. The TSR, MissUR

Raven's conscience: Where do you think you're going?
Raven: What in the world?
(Separates from Raven)
Raven's conscience: That's right, I'm your conscience
Raven: Well, why are you here?
Raven's conscience: You know why I'm here. How could you treat your best friend and her mother that way? Look at them
Raven: I got a party...
Raven's conscience: I said look at 'em!
Raven: Figures I'd have a bossy conscience. (looks through window) They do look really sweet
Raven's conscience: Yeah, and they've been nothing but nice to you this whole entire trip
Raven: You trying to make me feel guilty?
Raven's conscience: Is it workin'?
Raven: Ok, I'll go back in
Raven's conscience: All right, well, it's time to get my party on
Raven: Hey! get back here

Which one do you like the most. Please comment. Have a great Quote Day!!