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360less still

Well, I'm still awaiting my 360, but I can't afford to buy one right now anyways. I am also trying to complete my collection of xbox games. I just bought KOTOR 2 and GR 2, and I think I may go buy PoP: SoT today. Off the top of my head I need all 3 PoP games, Jade Empire, GR: SS, RS: BA, RS: Lockdown, Battlefront 2, UC2, Thief 3, Doom 3, Doom 3: RoE, Red Faction 1 & 2, and about 15-20 more. Currently I need to finish, KOTOR 1 & 2, Fable: TLC, Freedom Fighters, Ghost Recon Island Thunder, Ninja Gaiden: Black, RS 3, SC: PT, SC: CT, and GR2. I would also like to round off my Ps2 collection a little more, GoW, RE4, SotC, CoN: RTA, DMC 2 & 3, GTA: SA, MGS 3, Onimusha 3, ZOE 2, and maybe Tekken 5. Well, I'll be broke for a while, oh wait, I already am :).