I believe the game has it's own style depend on where game developers' culture from. Koreans tend to boast their wealth and rank by wearing nice suits or riding luxury cars. Such cultural aspect can be seen in the game. For a long time, since Lineage, game developers in Korea are more focused on graphical issue than others such as quests or stories. On the other hand, western game developers are more story and quest sided.
For instance, Tera, which will go alive soon, has phenomenal graphics. It is powered by Unreal engine and the details of character appearance is truely remarkable. However, I found little interest on quests and storylines. SWTOR and WOW have great storylines and quests but lack of graphics.
So why Korean developed games are lack of stories? I believe it is an influence of the culture. Scientific fiction or fantasy novels are quite rarely written in Korea. Unlike western culture, not many teenagers in 1980-1990s had chance to encounter imaginative novels. Most of their readings were more focused on subtle human nature. And for the most, the system of Korean education affected lack of their creativity. Every class had more than 40 students. Because teachers couldn't look after individual students, they were taught by rote. Without interaction, there is no creativity or reason of thinking. After Korean War, ancestors were seeking the way to build the society upon rubble in man power - the education. Because they were in haste, simple cramming education was their choice. Indeed it managed the escape of poverty but it came up with side effect, lacking creativity. In these days, people know cramming education is not effective as mid 90s, and many younsters are studying under different circumstances.
Among all fantasy novel writers, I admire J. R. R. Tolkien, the creator of The Lord of The Rings. His novel inspired so many game developers not just in West culture but also Korean's. Dragon Raja, the Korean fantasy novel written by Kang Do Kyung, has opened an era of fantasy in Korea. I hope one day Korean games melt both graphics and mature storylines that can be prised by gamers around the world.
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