I have placed my Preorder for The Witcher Collectors Edition. Complete with 29 track OST CD, a hefty 204 page Art Book, a Documentary DVD probably containing motion capture among other things, and of course above all things a double sided World Map. :)
Sadly it will not contain the new Witcher novel included in the Polish version of the game. I am happy that the UK release will not be censored and express my deepest sorrow that Atari have chosen to remove content from the North American version of the game. If you live in the United States and would like to purchase the uncut version of this game GoGamer will be selling the UK standard version of The Witcher to places in North America.
Reasons why I am anticipating The Witcher
- The first adult RPG since Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines or Fallout 2.
- The first adult Fantasy RPG since... (any clues?)
- The first RPG by CD Projekt who's influence and experience includes translations of Planescape: Torment and Baldurs Gate 2.
- A new IP from Europe with new ideas too.
I love a good RPG. :D