I got my ipod touch a couple weeks ago and it looked great and shiny. Couldn't be more excited to listen to music and play games. After all, loud music = the s***. Last thursday, i tried to listen to the itouch using the earphones because i realized using the speakers eats up the batteries REAL fast. Half a day of tap tap revenge 2(it's summer, i get bored =P ) and the battery is at 20% remaining. Anyways, after putting in the earphones, i found out a surprising fact - one channel didn't work! The left side of the earphones projects NO SOUND. At first i thought it was the earphone, but after using the earphones with my laptop, it sounded fine on both sides. Naturally, i use the itouch with another set of working headphone and the same problem exist.
The very next day i reported to Apple using their online repair thingymabob. It told me my itouch needed repairs. But the funny part is this - they are sending me a box to put my itouch in it and mail it back to them.
About two days later, the box came and after unpacking it i laughed. What was inside was 3 pieces of foam that was suppose to protect the itouch from damage while shipping, a plastic bag, bunch of tape, and instructions. The foam and the instructions are understandable, as for the plastic bag, i have no idea what it's for(no mentioning of the plastic bag when i read the instructions). For the tape, i laughed so hard thinking really? you provide your customers tape for sealing the package? Don't get me wrong, Apple product and the related are very customer/user friendly but they provide us tape? LOLOL!!!
that was the random and funny part...
PS - wondering when ipod touch 3rd gen is available