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LimitBreak_LVL4 Blog

Goodbye Everyone.

I'm sorry to tell you all, my few and faithful readers, that I'm leaving GS for a while. I don't know if I'll ever be back. But if I do, I'll probably make a new profile. :( Sorry everyone. I'm sure lots of you forgot about me anyway, since I stopped being very active lately. If I make a new profile, I'll be sure to tell all of my favorite friends like FojMohsin, berto, bugbag, etc. Goodbye.

Hello 2011!

I'm not anymore active than I was last week, but I figured I could manage the time for this blog. How's the new year for you, my few and faithful readers? I hope it's going well so far.

I think I'll start by telling you what I got for Christmas! :D Yay! I only got one video game, but that's fine. I'll probably get more for my birthday which is in a month. I got Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It's really fun, but I don't know if it's better than the first game. I think they're equal. They've both got their pros and cons. I guess we'll see once I beat it.

Besides the game, I got two movies and two music albums plus MONEY! 8) The movies are Iron Man 2 and Inception. The music is "Contra" by Vampire Weekend and "The Walking Wounded: Gold Edition" by Bayside. Here are some pictures:

Inception pictureBayside Logo

Now that it's 2011. I'd like to review the year 2010 and some of the greatest things that happened to me.

January: I got cymbals for my drum set. That's when I very first started playing REAL drums. Before that, I was just a dorky Guitar Hero addict who only wished he could be a real musician. Since then I have improved my skills GREATLY! I'm even saving up to get better cymbals now!

February: I turned 14 and largely changed my social status in school somehow. I don't know why, but I've been one of the cool kids sort of for about a year. Not sure what I did.

March: I can't remember anything that happened in March.

April: Me and my band performed "Pork and Beans" by Weezer at my school talent show. It was pretty epic to everyone, but we thought it was a terrible performance. It was really fun though.

May: I finished 8th grade along with middle school. I'll never have to go back to that evil place again. I hated middle school, it was like jail. High school is much better and I feel free there.

June: One of the greatest weeks of my life was in June. It's kind of private to me though. But it was also E3 in the same week. I just had loads of fun that week.

July: I started cross-country, which was one of the worst decisions I ever made in my life. I hated waking up at 6:30 every morning and RUNNING for HOURS! Ugh. Luckily I quit when school started and before I had to go to meets. I also started my current Gamespot profile which is great because of my few and faithful readers!

August: I started freshman year of High School. Much better than middle school. I also was very addicted to Gamespot.

September: I made a bunch of new friends at high school that could DRIVE! Oh yeah! I've been having much more adventurous weekends lately, because we go to town and get pizza then mess around and stuff. It's real fun.

October: I won my Xbox 360 in a Stackers machine! It was great. It has provided me A LOT of entertainment the past few months.

November: Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Christamas season is always my favorite time of year.

December: Christmas! Always the highlight of December, right? The only problem was that I was sick for all of my Christmas break from school! :evil: At least it gave me an excuse to play Ultimate Alliance 2 without my mom getting mad at me for playing too much video games! :twisted:

Thanks for reading everyone! Sorry. No Character Battle today. Comment!

Sorry for my crappyness...

I've been doing a horrible job getting on GS over the holiday season. And I probably won't be doing much better for another week or so. So when I come back, I'll let you know and I promise I'll start reading everyone's blogs again! Thank you guys!

Recent Happenings

The past week or so since I've written my last blog, a few cool things have happened. I got Marvel vs. Capcom 2 to fill in for my fighting game needs until I get Super Street Fighter IV and MvC3. I'm thinking about pre-ordering the Special Edition of MvC3. It's only $10 more than the normal version so I think it's worth it to get a free comic and what not.

I have been borrowing Assassin's Creed II from my friend and I beat it this morning. It made me want to get Brotherhood REALLY bad! So I'll probably get it used in a while.

Today I went to a Super Smash Bros. Party with my brother. It was pretty fun, but I did horrible since I hardly play SSB anymore. It was fun though.

My day feels like it has been eaten by a hippo. It's already 5 and I could swear I woke up 3 hours ago. I feel weirded out, so I will probably go watch some movie or something and chill. But first I had to come update everything with GS for the day.

Since I do not have Xbox Live Gold anymore, I was thinking when I got it back, I would create a new gamertag. I feel like the one I have now is strangely screwed up for some reason. I don't know. I would just feel more organized if I made a new one I think. So, if you have any suggestions for my gamertag, you should give me some. I want it to be cool and badass.

I just can't wait until Christmas! It will be great! I love Christmas time just because of the mood in the air when you're out, and the traditions I do for it. It's just so fun. Last Christmas I had the most fun on the day AFTER Christmas! I went to see Avatar with my Sister, her husband, and my brother. We just had a lot of fun walking around in Salt Lake City all day. This year I hope I can have a similar experience.

Well that's all. Comment and leave your gamertag ideas! Here's the Character Battle for today. REMEMBER YOU CAN VOTE FOR 2 CHARACTERS IF YOU WISH!!!




Meta Knight

Meta Knight

M. Bison

M. Bison

Cole (Gears of War)


I've finally been a little more active lately.

Yesterday and today I was finally able to catch up on many blogs and updates. And I'm finally writing a new blog!

I'll start off by saying I had an okay Thanksgiving! Good food, but a horrible time. I had to sit by all my ten-year-old cousins that talk about New Super Mario Bros. all day. It was a little funny though because one cousin would not accept the fact that there are better hats for Mario than the Raccoon one. After dinner we played the actual game and it was a horrible wannabe game of the old Super Mario Bros. games back on the NES. I'd prefer not to talk about that game now.

It's almost Christmas! The most wonderful time of year! I don't know if you guys like Christmas songs, but I love them. They always make me feel happy. I've asked for a few presents including Final Fantasy XIII and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

Recently I got Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I love that game. It reminds me of when I was 7 years old and I was obsessed with that game on the Dreamcast. Dreamcast was a great system, I don't think it got enough credit for it's potential.

I can't think of much more to tell you, so I'll move on to the Character Battle now. The winners of last battle were Sonic the Hedgehog and Albert Wesker. Here are today's combatants:


Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)


Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)


Sargent Johnson (Halo)


Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)

Miles Edgeworth

Thanks for voting, few and faithful readers! Comment! I'll see you next time when I hopefully have more to say.

Hopefully my mind is a little more organized!

Hello few and faithful readers! this is my first REAL blog in a while since I was sick out of my wits last week, and I just don't have the time I used to have back in the summer and early fall. What with my new 360 and everything.

Today is battle 3 of the CBLBE! The last battle's winners were Ventus and Batman. I'll remind you of some of the rules for the character battle since some of you seem confused. You can vote for two people, but you cannot vote for the same person twice. Really that is the only rule I guess. PM me if you're still confused. :D

Not long ago I beat The Force Unleashed. It was awesome. But for some reason, the second one doesn't look that cool to me. I don't know why. I'd just rather buy other games. I've almost beaten Fable II, I'm just trying to get a bunc of money so I can buy all of the best weapons and augments. I'm half-way through on Ultimate Alliance I think. I just beat Mephisto's Realm. And on tony Hawk's Project 8 I've just barely started. It's not as fun as Fable or Ultimate Alliance, so I hardly play it.

I'm stumped with what I want to do with my real money next (We're not talking about Fable or anything anymore). I want to have some money to use on Black Friday on Musician's Friend, but I also want to get some microsoft points very badly. I don't have enough money to do both so I can't decide. There will probably be some really good deals on Musician's Friend, but I need to renew my Xbox LIVE Gold soon so I can get 3 months for $10! Oh well, I'll think about it.

Again, I say I am trying to read everyone's blogs regularly, but I'm not doing so hot. So please don't be angry with me. :(

Well, I guess that's it. Now for the new character battle!


Vivi Orunitia (Final Fantasy IX)


Sonic the Hedgehog (from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise)

Sonic the Hedgehog

Captain Olimar (from the Pikmin series)

Captain Olimar

Albert Wesker (from the Resident Evil franchise)

Albert Wesker

That's all folks! Thanks for reading and voting! Comment! Until next time... Eat your yummies.

I have not been active...

Sorry about this past week everyone. I've been pretty sick and I haven't really had the time to get on the computer so much like I used to. I think I'm becoming addicted to my 360! I beat Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in a couple days! And now I want the second one! But maybe it was just because I was so sick.

I want to apologize for hardly reading any blogs this past week.:oops: I promise I'll do better this week though.

I am so out of it right now, I can't think of what I was going to say about in this blog, so it'll be shorter than I expected. But I am going to do the second match of my character battle at least.

Ugh, I just feel so weird! I blame Mountain Dew for my troubles. I've drinken so much lately, and it can't be good for me whatsoever.

Sorry about this fail of a blog. I will try again tomorrow. I leave with the new character battle. And by the way, Lightning and Wolf won the first match. Thank you for voting friends, I hope you'll forgive me for my inactivity.


Ventus (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)


Princess Peach ("Super Mario Bros." franchise)

Princess Peach

Batman (Batman: Arkham Asylum)


Ice Man ("Mega Man" Series)

Ice Man

First day of the CBLBE! And some 360 news!

So I've finally gotten the first round of my "Character Battle Limit Break Edition" done (I changed the name a little bit:))! It took a little longer to prepare than I thought, but when made it up, I had no idea I would WIN an Xbox in the next couple of days! So you've gotta forgive me, few and faithful readers! For more than just this problem!

I've been quite inactive here on GS lately. I've been busy with my new 360 (which ended up being the new slim! I was so excited!:D), and Halloween. You can't forget Halloween! Sorry about that. I've been trying to keep up with everyone's blogs though. So far I think I've been doing pretty well. But if you've noticed I've been leaving some pretty crappy comments. But don't fret! That doesn't mean I didn't read them!

Before I introduce the Character Battle, I think I'll give you the COMPLETE story of my 360! Get some popcorn! (Just kidding, it won't be that long! :P)

So, on Friday, I went to pick it up at a strange little business. This dude had set up a vending machine business with his friend in his garage. It was actually pretty cool I must say, but very strange. When he gave me the box I was surprised to find that it was a BRAND NEW Xbox Arcade. Which means it was the slim! But it was also only 4GB.:( It's alright though. I got a $20 16GB flash drive for it. That will prolong my memory space.

So far my games include Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Tony Hawk's Project 8. And I'm borrowing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Fable II from a friend. I will get more games eventually, but right now, I'm kinda broke. It's okay. Once I get some money, my friend is going to buy me Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 used to smuggle in to me (since my parents won't let me get M games, I have to get them in secret8)).

I'll give you some more news next week about it since there will definitely be some. Oh yeah, and my gamertag in case you want to become my friend will be at the end of this blog!


Get ready few and faithful readers for the first battle of the very first Character Battle Limit Break Edition! (A.K.A. CBLBE.)

Okay, here are the rules (sorry to be a buzkill, but everything needs rules). You have two votes every battle. One is for who you think would win the battle. And one is for who you think is coolest. Say I liked a peon better than the king. Although the king would totally kick the peon's @$$, I can still vote for the peon because I like him so much. But I also still have to vote for the king with my other vote because I know he'd win. Understand? Okay, battle 1:


Vega ("Street Fighter" series)


Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)


Wolf O'Donnell ("Starfox" Series)


Liquid Snake ("Metal Gear Solid" Series)

Liqud Snake

Comment to vote! If you are still confused about this, please pm me. Thank you!

One last thing! My gamertag! My name is TripSolidBounty. It will be on GS soon. You can friend request me if you have a 360 and if you want to. Just tell who you are so I can recognize you. Thanks for reading! See you in a few days!

I WON a 360!!!

So, yesterday I was at a local drive-inn restaraunt in my town and they have this machine there that you can play for a dollar. It's called Stackers and basically what you do is stack the squares on top of eachother until you get to the top. After a few squares you can choose a minor prize which is usually a cheap and childish toy. but if you keep going after getting to the minor prize stage, you can go for the major prize stage! The major prizes were things like Wii, ipod touch, and an Xbox 360 (which is the one I got).

Stackers machine

When I won it gave me a box with a certificate in it telling me to call some store and set up an appointment so I can go redeem my Xbox. But their hours are weird so I have to wait and call them tomorrow.

The kind of Xbox it is is an Arcade along with Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda. I plan on getting Final Fantasy XIII, Assassin's Creed, and Halo for it used.

But I shouldn't get my hopes too high because I'm worried that the offer for my prize could possibly be expired. The certificate box was in that Stackers machine since before E3, so I'm worried that changes in selling Xbox from the past few months may complicate things. I'll give you more news on it soon.

My next blog will have the first fight in my character battle, so stay tuned! Bye!


I just wanted to update my few and faithful readers on a plan I came up with today! So GameFAQs has a character battle every so often, right? Well I decided I want to put on my own character battle that's just for me and my friends here on GS. I'll see which characters are most popular among the community of few and faithful readers. I'm picking 128 characters to compete against eachother in the first ever CHARACTER BATTLE LIMIT BREAK EDITION! Since it's the Limit Break edition, Every battle will be described in the blog after the results. It's too confusing to describe right now, but you'll see soon enough. So far I only have 1/4 of the brackets ready so you'll have to wait a while.

That's mainly what I made this blog for but I have one more thing to say...

I have reached Level 10 on GS! I'm a phoenix down now! Gee, I don't know where I'd be without phoenix downs in final fantasy VII!

Well, goodbye folks! I'll see you next time along with Character Battle Limit Edition! (You can call it CBLE if you want.) Thanks for reading! Comment!

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