i can't smoke and play at the same time, especially with any system needing 2 hands at any given time. however, between matches of halo or CoD, you know i blaze that nicotine.
LimitlessHate's forum posts
warioware and madden for multi, zelda, call of duty and super paper mario for singleplayer... and punch-out!! just came out this week on virtual console... lotsa good stuff to play on wii.
i like holding the wiimote sideways, i think it's a better NES controller than the NES controller was to start with. with regards to the classic controller, i like it for SNES and Genesis games, but hate it for being corded to the wiimote.
Don't forget Madden, the wii-mote makes Madden killer with friends, especially once you figure out what's going on.
what a turd. EB is great, except for stupid employees and constant lack of wii hardware/ accessories. i couldn't find a wiimote at EB here in baton rouge (and i checked both, and the local gamestop, which are still the same), but wal-mart and target have the damn things practically coming out of their ears. stupid, stupid EB. I'll still buy my games there, because specialty game stores still have better selections, but for controllers and whatnot, i'll stick with wally world.
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