LimpStallion's forum posts
[QUOTE="mattg90520"]orange box for sure. im gonna replay hl2 again, then ep 1 and 2 for first time! portal looks amazing too, plus im dying to find out how it fits into hl2zero9167portal doesn't fit into hl2, it's just an extra game thrown in made by a different dev team
Portal does fit into the Half-Life universe. That's what they said on the GFW podcast.
Oh, and I would go with the Orange Box. It's a no brainer for me.
[QUOTE="C-manny"]For a project im doing i need to prove why blu-ray is better then hd-dvd. please leave some facts dont just say blu-ray is better!JAMES_L_BROOKS
blu-ray can hold 25 GB single layer and 50 GB double layer
HD-DVD can hold 15GB single layer and 30GB double layer
blu-ray is outsellign HD-DVD 2 to 1
blu-ray has more sponsers than HD-DVD...
otherwise look everythign else up...
HD-DVD has 30 studios supporting it. Blu-Ray has only 28.
The only thing blu-ray has over hd-dvd is the capacity.
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