Yes, this might come off as another rant of frustration but to this day no one has bothered to explain to me as why these actions continue.
My first frustration(s) deal with the online community of playing Black Ops. Just when I had thought I had peaked with being annoyed with this and that, there come two new factors. I play Hardcore Headquarters on COD because it requires teamwork (for the most part). In the past couple of weeks I have noticed that usually the other team isn't even trying to go for the objective of capturing the headquarters. They are just going for kills and padding their overall K/D ratio. I know that my team isn't doing this because I almost always play with the same group of people each night.
We endure the camper who is stocking on his/her kill streaks to unleash them later. I understand this tactic for the most part but it's a double edged sword when arguing this. What I don't understand is that at the end of the match and we have the victory, the other team is usually saying that they raped us and all that other gibberish that comes from sore losers. When we state that the game shows that we clearly won, the sore losers point out that they got more kills.
Really?! It's an objective game. If you are going for kills then PLAY Team Death Match and gloat then. As I try to wrap my mind around the mentallity of these players it occurred to me that perhaps these guys just plain suck at TDM and feel justified in playing a game type where the other players are focused on something else and therefore pick off players.
My second issue is about the surge of gamers using cheats. Yes, I have addressed this subject before but it's something that plagues me. I've recently seen a YouTube video where it shows a modded controller that can be ordered and the fire rate is simply ridiculous. As I watched the demo, I'm thinking that whatever player is using this mod will be exposed in any Killcam, replay video etc. I'm sure if someone were to call the cheating player out on the mod then the response would be "shut up *insert homosexual or racial slur here*"
Why is it when a cheater is caught doing something wrong they respond with anger?
I've also seen various videos that show how to order mods for the Xbox and PS3 that enable aimbots and shooting through walls. Again, really?! How can a cheater truly say that they spanked me online when they cheated? How can they brag to others on how "good" they are while knowing that they didn't do it because of skill?
Yes, there are people out there who would tell me, "then don't play". My response would be, why should I sacrifice my legitimate enjoyment of a game because of an immature puke that shouldn't be playing the game in the first place?