With the release of the Star Wars series onto Blu Ray tomorrow, it occurred to me that I am not truly excited as I should be for the HD format. Keep in mind that back in 2004, I anxiously antcipated the release of the Star Wars series on DVD the day before my birthday. I had planned to have a basic Star Wars marathon that weekend. Hey, I was single back then, what else was I supposed to do, hit on girls or something?
I watched the DVD's and still winced at various scenes that Lucas had decided to "change" like the Cantina bar scene where we all know that Han shot first but was now showing that Greedo shot first and Han Solo possessed some sort of Jedi reflex and dodged that blast with a slight twitch from his neck. What came to a WTF? moment was when I got to the end of Return of the Jedi and saw that ghost scene in where Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker look upon Luke with pride to signify that he brought balance to The Force. I couldn't believe my eyes when instead of seeing the older Anakin Skywalker who was played bySebastian Shaw, there was Hayden Christensen standing there all sparkly with a smug look on his face!
This brings me to what I was originally talking about, the release of the Blu Ray editions of Star Wars. If anyone remembers (or was even paying attention) to when I first reported the release date of the set, I was extremely excited of this news. I couldn't wait to see some lightsaber action in incredible HD quality that would make my eyes explode like the Death Star. Yes, I was going to have to endure that changes that Lucas had previously made to the other editions like where Boba Fett is hitting on some dancer in Return of the Jedi (the Fett doesn't hit on chicks. They come to him and he threatens to Wookie slap them if they don't leave him alone). Now, Lucas has done it again with adding "little" things in here and there that might not be noticeable to some but are a big eye sore to others. One of my biggest issues is that in the end of Return of the Jedi, Vader looks on as the Emperor maliciously throws lighting at Luke. In the original, we see Vader look to his master and then back to his tortured son and then silently chooses the life of his son over service to the Dark Side. Vader picks up the Emperor and tosses him down the chasm. In the new edition, Lucas decided to add in Vader exclaiming, "Noooo!" as he picks up the Emperor. And yes, you can tell that it was dubbed in. If this was a spoiler in anyway then, it's your fault for reading this article.
There are other changes that are scattered throughout that I'm not going to address because you have things to do and I could really nerd rage for a few pages. Why does Lucas feel the need to give his original trilogy a face life or a tummy tuck after all these years? The original trilogy could have stood the test of time without changing the scenery. Sure, I understand the need to put into some minor effect touch ups to make the colors pop or make the look of outer space have a deep black but to change character development in a way that makes a cringe?
Here's an idea for Lucas when he wants to alter his movies; go back and remove Jar Jar, that long ass pod race scene (seriously, it was TEN minutes long) and dub in some better romantic dialogue in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith!!
You never see writers going back to their popular novels and touching up stuff only to release it. You'll never see The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde updated with Dorian having his portrait actually being on an iPad that's hidden in a vault that's within a panic room upstairs.
Lucas, I thank you for giving me some great inspiration as a child with your wonderful imagination that was well translated through your original movies, however, you're destroying the magic that I savored originally.