I'm going to say straight off that if you are a hardcore Wolverine fan then stay the hell away from this movie OR you can check your baggage at the door. Think of the movie like a new girlfriend, she can be fun and exciting but has her faults that you have to tolerate here and there.
This "origins" story is a cheap paint job that begins to crack immediately but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to look at before the faults set in.
Hugh Jackman reprises Wolverine with scowling fun that is only match and sometimes outdone by Sabertooth who is played by Liev Schreiber. When these two characters are at odds it's fun and gruff banter that ensues.
There are other mutants in this movie but they are seriously underplayed or warped so badly from the comic that even non-comic book fans will cringe.
There is plenty of action to be had in the majority of the movie and there is a small love plot that explains why Wolverine is so bitter by the first Xmen film. It's the last half hour that makes you realize that your new girlfriend isn't what she seems and you suddenly want to skip out fast.
But here is a piece of advice for directors of prequels...WATCH THE ORIGINAL MOVIES. It's called continuity and people notice when it's broken.
I'm a comic fan and I understand that when it comes to comic to movie translations, there are plot and character points that are lost or redone. If I was a hardcore geek then I wouldn't have loved The Dark Knight because they screwed up Joker's origins. You take it with a grain of salt.
Wolverine is a fun movie and take it at face value and nothing more.
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