@sk8rjason This is the only Cod game people are selling or trading right after a couple of days of purchase btw. Read the comments here and http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/call-of-duty-ghosts read here you will see that "most people DON'T agree that it is second only to COD 4"...
@sk8rjason @Linctaskin I have played every single Call of Duty game since the WWII versions. And I have played and finished Ghosts maybe even before you. I can tell you that it's nowhere near COD 4 or any other modern warfare series. I remember first time i launched COD 4 on the PC and was amazed how beautiful and game changing it was and i bought it for PS3 later on and played it every day for months. But after the Modern Warfare series ended, this one is what you get, I wasn't impressed with the story, i didn't like the characters, and it was all predictable and ended under 5 hours. Even the ending is similar to MW2's, the guy comes back from dead and etc. Ghost's campaign is lazy as hell, and it was done just to do it. For me, shooting rounds from an AC130 is more fun then shooting high velocity rounds from a satellite called Odin(very lame). And not to forget, there's no Call of Duty game without Cpt. Price, period. You say that most people agree that it's second? Who are they? 13 year olds? Still if you like the game then it's your opinion, and for me the campaign of the game is the worst, but having said that i like the multiplayer mod. So it's a plus.
Who says Cod: Ghosts single player campaign is good? It's the worst campaign among all COD games! Total disappointment! Infinity Ward is following the footsteps of Dice, so they are also making shitty campaign but mainly online game...
Don't just read biased reviews and go "meeeh" and abandon all hope. This game is actually playable and decent enough. Let's say for example if even some of the bad and repetitive Assassin's Creed games get over 8. Because of the money invested for them on such sites like these. I bet this game didn't really throw away benjis to help "promote" it here. So get the game and play it and have fun. It's fun. It's not a Fallout or GTA game but it's alright.
@RoachRush Wbat's the problem with asking for better graphics and good gameplay altogether? Why demand less while everyone is making these companies richer? Seriously then why would people think of buying ps4s or xbox ones which promise better quality?
Linctaskin's comments