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Link24294 Blog

Perfect Dark Zero?

I got Perfect Dark Zero Special Edition for my brother Christmas present, only £8.50 on Ebay.

Just thought I would say that.

Is it any good?

Worth it?

I just brought Lost Planet Extreme Condition - collectors tin editionfor the 360, for my brotheroff Ebay for £15.

So first of allI would like to ask if that was a good deal? as I dont know how much it was suppose to cost.

and second question is, is the game any good? becauseI thought looked good. :)

Sorry for my absense

UrrhhhhhhI came home from Spain long to remember and just forgot to update blog. Sorry for those who care, probably a small amount... ok no one.

Well thats pretty much it except the fact im getting an Xbox 360 for Christmas ,along with Army of Two, Halo3and hopefully Mario Galaxy.

Any other 360 games you would recommend?

Spain Here I come!!!! :D

Even though i don't really go on gamespot as much as i used to, but i decided to say that im going to Spain for a week and ill be back next Tuesday. that means i wont do anything on gamespot. so ill post back soon and wish me luck. :D

XBOX 360 = Not Bad

About afortnightago for some bizarre reason my brother borrowed his friends xbox360. I couldn't actually believe it at first but now we have actually had it forquitesome time, and been able to get our gamerscore up to 1230, with only a couple of games. I didn't think the xbox360 was that good because it didn't offer anything new to gaming, but now imquite addicted to it (defiantly to the achievement stuff). For an added bonus we have xbox live (from the original xbox), so we can play online. The games we got at our house a Call of Duty 3, Fifa 07 and Rainbow Six VAGAS, I have only really played rainbow si vegas on it, because the others didn't appeal to me much, and I think it is a very very very good game defiantly for multiplayer. I have played other games as my brothers friends comes round a lot and he hasloads of game including Gears of War.

Even After all that I still think the Wii is much better, but the achievements and the gamerscore is something that Nintendo should of thought of.

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End

I saw Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End yesterday... it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

I think there was to much cannon fire, pointless things like Capitan Jack's illusions, to much things gong on at once and also this ship at the end had loads of cannons and didn't fire one while it was getting totally demolished :(... buuttt other than that it was pretty good but no way as good as the first one. 

I would give it 3 1/2 stars.

I cant wait until Simpsons Movie comes out. :D

NEW UNION for readers of ONM.

I have Made a new union called UK Nintendo Magazine Union, its for the readers of the of Official Nintendo Magazine of the UK. Its not yet actually up yet I need charter members first, and its hard to guess who's from where.

Well if you do want to join the union either join yourself when its up if its not up track me or send PM and ill invite.

Hope you join :)


Wish me luck :|


Have you played Warrock? no? well you should its a great online game that you can download. I go on quite often, my username for Warrock is jonnyk12. Its quite simular to Xbox Live with Halo 2. If you do have a account, PM me and maybe we could have game some time. :)

Should I have more emblems?

Should I have any more Emblems? Im now level 7 and still only one emblem, I've seen other people that are lower than me with way more emblems I have quite a big collection. I know you have to do certain stuff to get certain emblems but still level 7 and none.

Link24294 :)

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