He's right! I can totally see Zelda in Call of Duty, or Mario Kart in Portal! Why didn't I think of this!? I could have totally save so much money if I would have seen the connections!
So, if it's Connors grandfather, that means this takes place towards the third era of the Golden Age of Piracy. So I imagine we will be seeing some famous faces as per usual with these games, like Edward Teach aka Black Beard maybe even Black Bart (considered by most to be the most successful pirate ever). I also imagine this would be Pirates of the Caribbean-ish. As in the pirates are the good guys and the Templars will be the bad guys. Hopefully this is true, my wife already said this is right up my ally.
I'd probably get it if it had a HDMI port. I got a 3DS but I don't play it much, I play my consoles the most. So if the PS Vita had a HDMI port, I would probably get it. Right now, not so much.
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