@xkunle97: Don't care. Fan of Gears 4 and Battlefield 1, maybe Modern Warfare remastered.
Lionhart_basic's forum posts
Can someone, who currently is a member, please send me an invite to the Xbox One Preview Program. My GT is lllTheDoctorlll, those are L's by the way. I would really appreciate it.
I highly recommend Tomb Raider. BioShock Infinite sounds like a killer game. I haven't played it yet but will definitely purchase it. If cost is the issue just buy one for now and the other later.
Back on topic. For me, this game was a huge dissapointment. I very much dislike the changes made. I hate the layout of the controls and the fact that your limited to 2 guns instead of 3. I'm assuming the developers tried to make the game faster paced by having the LB button to quickly throw a frag and that your able to stick other players that way too. I hate that, we already have that option with Halo (plasma grenade) and COD (sticky gernade), we don't need another. It was better off the way it was and giving the option to still walls is way better. Switching guns now has you pushing the Y button, the developers claim this is quicker. I find it easier using the direction pad to swtich between weapons during a roadie run then using a double jointed index finger to tap Y while holding A button. This game is definitely short on content and extras compared to Gears 3. Everything from maps, to multiplayer modes, to characters and skins. I can go on and on about the shortcomings of this game but it'll take more time then it's worth. I'm not saying that the game isn't fun, but it's not up to par with past Gears of War games and I was expecting much more. This is my opinion most will agree some however won't.
My MW3 hasn't been saving online games since yesterday. Anyone else have this problem? It resets back to were I was since Friday and it's very fustrating.
MS and Sony both said that they won't release a new console until 2015. However, both companies are developing their next generation of consoles. I think both companies are aiming for 2014 release, which would be ideal but since Nintendo announced that WiiU will ship 2012 they mostly like release in 2013 if current console sales greatly decrease. So far 360 and PS3 are having a stellar year with console sales and MS wants to push the life span of the 360 with Kinect and Sony with Move. My prediciton is if console sales this holiday season isn't up to par then we'll see the next gen consoles at E3 2012 otherwise we'll have to wait till later in 2012 before MS or Sony announce anything.
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