spent 1,4k€ on pc 4 yers ago now i only need to upgrade card it costs 400€ and only thing i need to upgrade for 4k is my monitor and 4k on console is a joke new consoler aro good but still not that goot and u can all ways sleep on floor caz bed costs more its just what u prefer more confort or not pc is confort! case closed! kids xd
11 maps 3 game modes about 4 difrent locations to chose wher to def ur locotion equal to a total of 11x3x4=132 variations on how ur game goes from the start till the end so how can u call that shallow? not enough wepons how about important thing balance! 9/10 game
When to get new console ofc when some major console exclusives come out like mgs, halo, uncharted so on or some new major games like titanfall but to srsly get a new console u need more than just 1 game thats why i am waiting and enjoying my 1400€ pc :P
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