There are exceptions to just about every rule, but I find the story to be a very important element. It is often the driving force that makes me obsessively play until I complete the game. I call shenanigans on the guy who said that it's easy to balance story and gameplay; if it was easy, you'd see a lot better stories in games than you do now. It takes quality designers and also a commitment by the team as a whole to the story-telling aspect, as opposed to cutting the story all over the place. I almost wish that gaming wasn't growing as much as it is; games cater to the masses who aren't quite as "into" their games as those of us who could be considered more "hardcore". It's a smart business move to make flashy first person shooters, but it takes time/money/talent to focus on the story, and as a business often times it's just not a smart move for the company that's making the game.
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