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#1 LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

@commander - Thanks man, this is the card I dealt them LMAO

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#2 LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA what an amazing thread, 20 pages of butt hurt cow meltdowns with everything from pure desperation prayers "please its not true please it not true SONY HELP " LMAO to conspiracy theories like - That Digital Foundry guy was killed by Microsoft midnight magic men and was replaced by a MS robo clone and now hes just a paid shill for MS, anything that DF clone says is just an all out lie hahahahhahaha. Cows go to tech man is no more ROFL they confirm he is now just HoloLens demo LMAO. The cows new fall back line is bu bu teh has no games like Unwanted4 & Horizon Zero Replay bu bu bu teh cloudx12 lol.

Keep it up Lems in war cows receive no quarter.

Looks like my old pic was right lol, why anybody now would want to buy a PS4 Pro at being shit is insane. If someone goes into a game store and they see the Return Of The KingBox One aka GODBOX WON with its 12Gbs Gddr5, true 4K 60fps native games all getting played on Ultra setting with resolutions beyond what the human eye can see. Comes with a 4k 8D UHD blu ray player with 11.2 Dolby Atmos surround sound with the best Game pad on the planet and is designed and built in Area 51 by aliens its a no brainer

Then they look over and see that ugly ass PS4 Pro at being shit that sounds like a jet engine turbine spinning up, comes with 1080p choppy frame rates is touted as true K4 games machine "cause they cant put 4K on the box as its a lie and Phony knows their fans aren't the brightest of the bunch cause after all they bought PSVR LMAO" Does backwards upside down Chinese checkerboard rendering aka K4 upscale to achieve 1440i at 25fps low settings and has no 4K 3D UHD blu ray player because, well Sony HAHAHAHAHAHAH LMAO


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#3 LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

For the people saying the 2nd Ref partition has reach 3 million votes you realize that any idiot on this planet can literally sign it LOL a lot of the signatures are from other countries, and some signatures amount to more than the population of said country. Such as Vatican City.

Second referendum petition: Inquiry removes at least 77,000 fake signatures, as hackers claim responsibility for 'prank'

It came as the 'EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum' petition posted on the UK Government and Parliament Petitions website showed a suspicious number of signatures attributed to places outside the UK – in some cases more than their total population.

Some 39,411 residents of Vatican City, home to Pope Francis, appeared to have signed the petition by Sunday morning, despite the tiny city state having a total population of just 800.

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#4 LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

@ LOL whats wrong dude you don't like my rally speech?

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#5  Edited By LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

The people of England stood up for the world and showed everyone, the entire political establishment, the faceless dark suited bureaucrats who are uncountable to no one in Brussels. The elites, the giant mega corporations, the banking cartels , the media, Obama, Merkel & Junker with their E.U dictatorship threats and everybody else telling us NO!! YOU DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD OR ELSE .

Despite all the odds all the fear, we the people of UK said f.u.c.k you, we'll decide our own destiny NOT YOU. Now hopefully our brothers across the water in Greece, Portugal, Spain, France and the rest, that they too can take back their country, their independence and break free from the dictatorship & tyranny that is European Union calling all the shots. Stand up people call for you own referendum and set yourselves free from all those above telling you that you need to stay in the E.U or else.

Take Your Future Back.

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#6  Edited By LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

@misterpmedia - Oh and misterpmedia don't take my comments as I hate you or anything, you've been a total laugh as we go back and forth throughout this thread GG . Now commence with your BS reply and see previous post as to why you are a dumb shit :)

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#7  Edited By LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts


"Some of these voters weren't even well informed when they voted."

-Indeed, there were people on both sides who didn't understand what they were doing, as stated by a women who voted "in" who was on the news and said that she was well educated and didn't really know why she voted in. - That is a lack of communication from the government not its people, you calling everyone stupid who voted out is just plain ignorant.

"impede business, you will pay for it"

You sound like a Banker - No.. no we won't, we may take a hit in the short term, but in the long run we'll be better off. Its better being able to run your own country and deciding whats best for your country by the people on its own terms. Than been chained to a failing European Union dictatorship, where you have no say over your own country, its laws or how you trade is never good. You're acting like the U.K can only do business inside the E.U, sorry but the world is bigger than just the Euro bloc.

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#8  Edited By LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts

Hi - please watch the 2min or so vid below from former government officials of Norway, and how the E.U and media tried scaring the people of Norway into joining the E.U. The same scare tactics now being used on the U.K people for leaving, almost word for word with their fear mongering and doom for your country stories.

Lies told to Norway before they rejected EU membership

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#9 LiquidGold
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@texasgoldrush "its the older, less connected to change, that voted for it" - Sorry dude but no look at the pick below -

Blue Voted in - Red Voted out - The top of the map all blue is Scotland with Ireland on the left of the UK. The Scots hate the English as do the Irish, and will always vote against them no matter what more so the Scots, even if its to spite their own face, its been like that for hundreds of years.

The blue at the bottom of the map is London and a few small areas round London. As you can see by how much red there is, its was basically most of the UK vs London and Scotland. There is way to much red on the map to be classed as just old people that don't want change - 17 mill 400 thou voted out. So unless the walking dead has filled up the most of the UK it was pretty much all sorts of people voting not just old age pensioners.

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#10  Edited By LiquidGold
Member since 2004 • 96 Posts


"Lets talk about the petition for a second REF already over 1.5mil sigs" = 1.5 million Salty losers. "Mommy mommy we didn't get we wanted make them stop" hahahahahahahahaha LOL no kids that's called democracy the whole country voted and you lost #DEALWITHIT

Millennials, a global generation of connected brainwashed political correct dumb shits, who biggest priorities in life are selfies and twitter/facebook updates. That need safe spaces because someone said something they didn't like or agree with, and if that don't work, best to just play the racist card because some idiot is bound to feel sorry for you.

"Lets talk about the hilarious fallout of people being reported on since yesterday, more so today, of people not having a clue what they were voting for". 'brexiters consist of people pumped full of glorious patriotic toxic ignorance, only making themselves look like idiots on TV"

- A picked audience, to bad they didn't show other peoples opinion on why they left or voted in. Also there was a women who voted "in" who said she didn't know what she was doing and thats she's educated LOL - Also well done getting all your facts from just the news headlines- Did you write all that while wearing a FOX News T-shirt LMAO

"bu-bu-bu-teh immigrants!"

- Do you stutter or have a stroke? How old are you that you have write like that, PRAT - Go ask any European country's residents that's been overrun my immigrants on how they feel, with certain parts of Europe now becoming the new rape capital of the world. With their own government telling its people you should dress differently if you don't wont to be raped. But don't worry bu-bu-bu-teh immigrants!

"You've already been pacified and cannot think critically at all"

- That sums you up entirely. To bad you didn't actually do any of your own research on the European Union and relied solely on news headlines and Jon Oliver LMAO to troll only me in this thread, PATHETIC.

" patriotic toxic ignorance" - Says an American ROFL, since when is it toxic ignorance to want to save ones own country from a European Union dictatorship, The E.U. has oversight of our laws, Laws made by different country altogether that the UK people have to abide by no matter what. Laws the people can not get rid of if they don't like that's put upon them, no matter how stupid they are or if its damaging to that country. By politicians hand picked not voted in by the people. If these politicians **** up your country without even stepping foot in your country. YOU CAN NOT VOTE THEM OUT - If China was making laws for U.S citizens, and the people didn't like it. Would you not want to break free from China altogether? I think you would. But hey were all just dumb idiot sheeple brexit trolls right.

Brexit: Facts Not Fear

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Vote in or Doom & Gloom -

Lies told to Norway before they rejected EU membership

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You can have your star back KID I already have 2 degrees, please enlighten me more with some news headlines.

And oh that second REF any idiot on this planet can literally sign it LOL most of the signatures are from other countries, and some signatures amount to more than the population of said country. Such as Vatican City, 6000 signatures with a population of about 1000? Look at the JSON data LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Like I said you really are the dumbest shit bird in this thread.
