Liquid_47 / Member

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Bungie stop screwing with me!

Okay, so after all these multi-pics, all I can say is this: It looks like Halo 2 with sweeter graphics. The maps looked great, the animations I predict will look good. But that's it. Hardly any gameplay tweaks. Sure, a few new guns tossed in here and there. Nothing significant. "We didn't need to activate our X buttons" - bloody hell if there's nothing else significant to show Bungie, show the X button now!

Now even though the graphics were nice, they weren't eye-popping. Sure, it's "pre alpha" yadda yadda yadda, so why did you release them now Bungie? Why'd you have to give into our whining and moaning?

Then I saw that picture. With a Warthog flipped over to his side,  a shotgun in the foreground, and Master Chief crouching in the middle, I thought this would humble the sceptics. Then Bungie comes in, and deflates my bubble of hope: It's from the CG trailer. What. The. Fudge. Dude's, it's only marginally better looking than Gears is, and now you come and tell us that it's pre rendered CG? Bungie, you know you have millions of fans, but don't make us look like suckers, seriously. It's just not fair. I bought and HDTV, and I want to use it to it's fullest. I was expecting that that would be Halo 3. Now I'm not so sure. I do hope 1up is right in saying that Halo 3 will make us go "Gears of Huh?", because I need some reassuring right now.

Not to mention an engaging campaign. That would have to be a mix of story (I believe they have it in the bag), and gameplay. Gameplay, Bungie. As GameSpot's Greg Kasavin has said, make calculated risks, like Halo, and it will pay off. Don't play it too safe.

Bungie, you guys have crazy ideas. Implement them.