I've always realised this. Ever since I actually knew who Michael Jackson was, I knew that his reputation was hurt badly. A day or so ago I read something, and it was then I knew I had to let it out.
It started when I got the monthly mag "Skywatch" (NZ's Pay TV) and it stated that NZ's own MTV channel will air in August. There was a two spread article, on the beginnings of MTV to today's impact on New Zealand music (which they harped on about). What angered me is that there was mention of Michael Jackson. Seriously, come on. WTF. Seriously! MTV rode on Michael Jackson's success to earn that "1.8 billion audience", and vice versa. Both of them wouldn't be as popular as they are today if it weren't for each other. But noooo, MTV think they can get by without mentioning possibly their most successful video performer. Which brings me to the next point. Madonna.
She was stated to be "the most successful video performer in history". Um.... yeah. What is it, two banned videos and a few more controversial ones equals success? Listen guys, I can ask any of you, any of you, what your favourite MJ video is, and after a few tired jokes of him, you would admit you like one of his videos, possibly "Beat It". Now, if I were to ask the same number of you what's your favourite Madonna video, more people would be "Errrr....um.... Can't remember". Michael pretty much dominated MTV with all his music videos, from the humble beginnings of Billie Jean, all the way to 1995 with Scream and Earth Song, the latter being one of the most requested music videos of all time. Material Girl, what do you say to that?*
I also remember hearing about the MTV special of the "100 videos that broke all the rules" or something. Now, I understand it is not a countdown to the best videos of all time, but as the title suggests, it would have broken new ground. As most of you know, Michael Jackson came third with Thriller, Madonna came second, and Britney Spears came first with "Hit me Baby One more Time". I understand if Madonna came in front of MJ, but what the hell was Britney doing at the top of the list? She's basically an offspring of Madonna, and isn't even better than her anyway! Not to mention the Material Girl has much better videos than Britney Spears. Why didn't Thriller come in front of Spears' song? It broke all the rules in the book: There was a real beginning, middle and end, it was 16 minutes long, the song was seamlessly integrated into a short film, the song was also twisted to fit the short film (without changing the lyrics), and it has one of the most intriguing endings to a music video of all time. But then again, you can't blame MTV viewers. Most of them are young males who get their thrills for seeing Britney Spears in an "innocent" school girl outfit. Go figure.
Overall, it appears that Michael has been left out of all those magazine mentionings of legendary artists or musicians that changed music forever. Why? Because he allegedly touched little boys. So did he music change, anyone? No. It's still there, it's still damn good, and it will never change.
Michael's bringing out an album next year. Mark my words, he will show everyone, once again, why we call him the King of Pop.
*I don't have anything against Madonna. It's just the people who give her all the credit for the 80's and music videos.
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