You know, after reading all the blogs about people leaving and how the site has changed, I have been doing some thinking on things. The fight on the Flack thread was indeed a pivotal moment in changing the friendships and lives of many people, and for that I am truly sorry. I jumped in to the defense of a friend, which I woud happily do again, if I felt the need. I was having issues of my own back then, which are better now, and perhaps that affected my judgement.
I have not been around the boards much myself, for a very long time, so I can understand people saying how things have changed. That fight made me lose my taste for stalking for a long time, and I am only now starting to maybe reconsider starting up again. Maybe. But you know, those of you who are leaving, perhaps it won't be forever. Perhaps you may just reduce your frequency. I have gained and lost many internet friends over the years, on various different sites, including World of Warcraft, some of them never to be found ever again, with me left wondering where they vanished to and why they left.
I guess I'm trying to say, don't judge the people who leave too harshly. Miss them, if you must, but don't be too saddened. Like life, people come and people go. I have many people in my life that I cared deeply about, some of whom I have never been able to contact after losing touch with them, even with the aid of the internet. Life goes on, new friends come and go.
We must teach the new arrivals to the site the rules, be kind to them, let them become new friends to fill the void left by old ones. In time, they may become just as cherished as the old ones who have left. For some of us old timers, change is difficult, but life is about change, and we must learn to cope as best we can.
Again, I am truly sorry for all the lives that got irrevocably changed by that fight. But perhaps we all learned a few things about each other we wish we hadn't. Take care, everybody, and know that I am still around, for the few people who probably care about such things - you know who you are - and I'll be seeing you around sometime.
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