If you ever visited my profile at all today, you may have noticed that my 4 year anniversaryblog was missing. Well, I actually accidentally deleted it. :x I was trying to edit it, but I accidentally hit the delete button, and the rest was history... :(
I never even got the chance to read any of the comments (I had 7, I think). So if you were someone who commented, could you please comment again so that I could see what you wrote? :lol:
Luckily I had saved a copy of the blog. Here it is again if you want to read it.
Look at your calendar! What does it say today is?
Well, I have a little story for you all. It's called "How LittleGreenDog arrived on GS." Grab your popcorn and your Dr. Pepper, and hold on tight!
It was a beautiful sunny day in California. One day, a bored 11 year old girl named Erica decided to go on her grandma's computer. She was staying over there for the day. Erica's grandma let her do just about anything she wanted. After she got her grandma's permission, Erica started up the computer and surfed the web on deviantART and video games.
Obsessed with Spyro at the time, Erica decided to do a Google search on the latest Spyro game, "The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning." The first result was an article about the game. Curious, Erica clicked the link and found herself on GameSpot.com, a site that would change her life forever. :shock:
Erica looked up more Spyro games on GS, and then decided to look at some forums. She found an interesting topic, and wanted to post in it. But she was stopped, by a message that said you must register in order to post messages!
Erica didn't think that was a bad idea. She liked the idea of having her very own account on a cool looking site. So she went to the registration page, put in some fake information (including her birthday), and got to the username part. She was stumped. She had no idea what to put her username as! First she thought of Erica2058. When that account was created, she decided that she didn't like her name being in the username. So she thought of something else. Gamer473! That name was perfect. But then...nah. She outgrew it fast. She thought for several minutes for a permanent username. Suddenly she thought of GIR from the Nick show Invader ZIM. Erica loved that show (and still does), and thought that maybe her username could be named after GIR. While GIR was not in his real robot form, he was disguised as a little green dog. Little green dog! Erica had just thought of the perfect username! Hoping that the idea wasn't too long to fit, Erica eagerly typed out "LittleGreenDog." And hooray! The letters fit in the box, and the name was not already taken!
Happy that she finally made her account, LittleGreenDog (or commonly known simply as LGD) posted lots of messages in her favorite game forums. It was mainly the Spyro and Kingdom Hearts forums she visited. While in the Kingdom Hearts forum, LGD got bored and decided to create a game called "Guess the Heartless." She created her first topic with the title being the name of the game she created. LGD somehow managed to gather a huge group to join in her game. Although no longer guessing Heartless today, the topic still remains open and is on around it's twentieth topic. Go ahead and go on the Kingdom Hearts board! You will find a topic near the beginning called "Guess the Heartless" and whatever number their on. :P That game has been going on for four years now! It even has its own set of rules that not even LGD thought of.
Over the first and second years, LGD made some friends in the Spyro forums. Two of them were SOADjoe19 and Dragon66116. There were others who were always there too, but LGD was closest to these two. Eventually, we started treating the Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon forum like it was a union! The same people always visited, and we soon called ourselves "Team Spyro."
Sometime, a new member visited the forum. His name was Sputnick2006. Like all of us, he was also a huge fan of our purple dragon. He then got the idea to create a Spyro union, called The Ultimate Spyro Union. We all helped, and soon an awesome union was formed, which was also my first. And I was made an officer!
Okay, well, I think you pretty much get the point here. I don't want to tell the entire story of my time on GameSpot, because that would take too long! After I joined the USU, I made more friends, joined more unions, and got involved more. I even got some unnecessary moderations for useless crap, and was b-a-n-n-e-d at one point on accident, but hey, I guess mods just like doing that, ya know?
Now it's time for my best friends list. If you're not listed, don't fret. Everyone here is my friend, and I just don't have the time nor the energy to list everyone! I'm only going to make descriptions of some of my friends here. I would with everyone, but that would be really hard, and it would take a long time!
Slyfur – Yes, it's hard to believe, but I think it's true that I can call Slyfur my number one best friend on GameSpot. She's funny, smart, tough, and can always think of a better comeback than I can. :lol: We have so much in common, you can probably even call her my twin. Even our birthdays are only four days apart! Sometimes Slyfur and I will have our share of arguments, but doesn't everyone? But no matter what, we always resolve them and everything goes back to normal. Yes, even though she's known as "Princess Assassin" and can probably beat up the Incredible Hulk, I'm proud to call Slyfur my best friend here on GS. :)
9weerwolf – Another one of my first friends on GS. 9weerwolf (or Rick) is a kind-hearted person who cares so much about other people, and I've never known anyone who could write a better fan-fiction than he can. :P Rick rarely got upset with anything and always showed kindness to others. He always described himself as a sensitive boy who hates liars. What more could you ask for in an honest person like him? :P Rick always spoke for me when I wasn't there, especially when I "left" GS for two months. I really appreciate all his help. :)
Dragon66116 – Dragon (or Michael as he prefers) was one of my first GS friends. We met on the Spyro forums, and our love for Spyro was equally matched. We talked about Spyro with our other friends, and when the Ultimate Spyro Union was created, our friendship got bigger. I even taught him how to make a video using Windows Movie Maker. :lol: It wasn't long before Michael invited me to be an officer in his Magical Cafe and soon in the Soda Union. Through all that and now, Michael has always been one of my best friends.
Sputnick2006 – The original leader of the USU, Sputnick was always a loyal leader and was always fair and kind to his fellow members. He always knew what to do when he was leader, and let me help with the USU's creation. Sputnick really knew how to run a union and was always nice to me and others. Even now we still talk on Youtube, and he told me personally through a PM that he was going to have major surgery and may not make it. That shows that he trusts me, and I trust him. Sputnick is a true friend. :)
SOADjoe19 – Even though Joe doesn't go on GS anymore, he will still be one of my best friends. You can probably he was my very first friend on here. Together we talked about Spyro, formed Team Spyro, and did just about everything together, along with our other friends. Joe was the nicest person I ever knew on GS. He was always so understanding and broke up little arguments, always making sure each side was happy. Joe was the second leader of the USU, but when he became to busy with other things, he made me leader, and I appreciate that. He may not be here now, but Joe will always be one of my best online friends.
sirracannal – If anyone knows and loves the Beatles more than the actual Beatles themselves, it's sirracannal. :P Sirra once said on Youtube while I was "gone" from GS that she was pissed that someone that she thought of like a sister could have been "gone." Sirra is very nice to me, and I see her as my GS sister. :P All of her blogs always have something interesting to read in them, and I'm always reading them and commenting on them as much as I can. :D Even though she and Ammo have countless quarrels, she is an amazing friend on GS. :)
Here are the rest of my close GS friends. I'm just too lazy to write a description for everyone. :P
I'm so sorry if I forgot you! :cry:
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Have you ever wondered what I look like? Have you ever thought that I really was a little green dog? Well, the "spoiler" below contains a real picture of me. I said that I was wearing a Gir shirt and Kingdom Hearts crown necklace. But...I changed my mind about that one. In this picture, I'm wearing one of my Kingdom Hearts shirts and my Roxas necklace. Also, usually my hair is almost always in a ponytail, but in this image, my hair is down. I hope you like this picture, because it took a lot of confidence and guts for me to post a picture of myself. I really don't like at all what I look like, and if you don't either, please no mean comments, okay? Oh, and it may look like I'm fat, but it was just the angle I was standing in! I am not even close to being fat!
Here you go...
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Like Ammo said about a picture of him (:P), I cannot look at that picture without puking. My hair looks terrible and my glasses are so ugly. :x
Well, there you go. A picture of me. :roll:
And thus concludes LGD's four year anniversary blog! Tune in next year my FIVE year anniversary blog!