Hai dere, kupos!
I am back from a long, unmentioned break from GameSpot. I have so many things to say. :D
First, the main reason why I've been gone is because I have really gotten into wolf RPGing. I have a site that I visit several times a day with my fellow "wolf" friends. I say it's really entertaining. :P
Also, I downloaded inFamous from PSN's Welcome Back program. Surprisingly, after about an hour of gameplay, I have to say it doesn't interest me much. My sister, however, loves it, and she's farther into the game then I ever will be.
Also,I have not returned without a little surprise.
I got a kitten! :D
Yes, after the tragic "murder" of our other cat Sam back in February, we thought it was finally time to get a new little kitty for the house. So today we went down to the SPCA and adopted the little guy. We named him Cody (his original name was Steve), and he's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. He doesn't even act scared. He never once ran or hid from us and he loves exploring the house. He acts like a dog. Very playful!:lol: ... Just like Sam.
Ready for some pictures? :D
He was napping when I took this one.
A close-up of that face. :)
I'll try to get some more pictures later on. Right now we're still trying to get Copper (my dachshund) introduced to him.
Oh, forgot this picture.
Oh wait, that's just Bub. :P
I'll try to be a bit more active here. :) Baiiiii....
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