I was sitting on my couch watching Spongebob with my sister, when my mom gave us some chocolate. Big mistake. Chocolate gets me really hyper and it's hard to control my actions. Same with my sister. So we started to wrestle with eachother on the couch playfully, when all of a sudden, I felt my kneecap slip. The first thing in my mind was like "Oh no! I dislocated my knee!! This is gonna hurt..."
You see, a couple of years ago, my mom dislocated her knee really badly. She screamed in pain and was crying really hard. When it was all over, she described the pain "hurting more than giving birth." I felt sorry for her and hoped I would never go through that. Unfortunatley, I have the exact same legs and knees as my mom, and my turn soon came.
So when my I felt my kneecap go to the side, I told my sister to stop moving and I yelled "Ow!" But I didn't cry. Nor did I feel much pain. That's because my knee only dislocated for a split second and went back into place without even me making it do that. It hurt, but not as much as I had expected.
That happened two nights ago. Now my whole left leg feels weak and it's still kind of sore. Thank God it went back into place. :|
Uh, in other news, my Demyx plushie should be arriving very soon. Here's what he looks like:
He looks cool. :)
Also, today for homeschooling my mom had us make up a quick story and write it down. You know what I wrote about? A first-person view of Axel dislocating his knee and having Vexen fix it through surgery. :lol:He fell of the balcony in The Castle That Never Was Twilight's View. :lol: It was three pages long. Poor Axel. :P
EDIT: If anyone wants to read the Axel story I wrote, I would be happy to post it on my next blog. :)
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