I've always been a huge animal lover, but I've always had a fondness for dogs. Any dog. From the tiniest Chihuahua to the biggest Great Dane. Although I personally prefer big dogs, and my all time favorite breed is the Doberman Pinscher, I have always loved dogs of all shapes and sizes.
Even the Pit Bull.
That is, until one killed my cat.
Before that horrible day, I had not realized how much a Pit Bull is ofcapable of killing an animal in cold blood. I thought, "well, it's a dog. Any dog can bite or attack something."
I was wrong.
The Pit Bull attacks and kills more animals/humans than any dog I've ever known. You can train it all you want, and it may seem like the most affectionate dog ever. But if you're unlucky, the dog will eventually turn on you. They have bad backgrounds that involve fighting and killing. Now, I know it was humans who created this breed. It's not the dog's fault for being born. But that does not make it okay for it to attack something or worse.
Ever since it was my turnto experience a pit bull attack, I was oblivious to the true nature of the breed. Now, I hold an ever-lasting grudge against them. And that's something I have never been able to say about any animal before. Whenever I see a pit bull, I shake my head in utter disgust. But I especially can't believe the owner. Who would want a dog that can be so aggressive, so mean, and might attack you?
For some people, it's a self esteem thing. They want a pit bull to show the world that they are dangerous, that they are cool, to not mess with me.
Others are just unaware of the Pit Bull's nature.
Just the other night two pit bulls attacked and killed a lady's 11 year old Husky. They were a city away, but still close enough to make the news.
Look at this beautiful animal. Killed with no mercy. By two loose Pit Bulls. The owner was also bitten several times and needed stitches.
Bottom line: Pit Bulls are dangerous. They can attack without warning. They won't stop. Most of their owners will say that it's not their fault. But the owner isn't the one who attacks. It's the dog. The dog is a threat to the world. I think that the Pit Bull, at least in my state, should be banned, or at least, you should have a licence or something if you want one. A Pit Bull can barely be called a dog.
Look up Pit Bull attacks. The list will go on and on and on.
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