Wow, I made two blogs in one day. Very rare to see me do that.I wish I got more comments on my blogs. They hardly reach ten! :cry: AmI really that unpopular?
This is not what I really wanted to say but I'll just say it for the heck of it. Some guy keeps flaming my Youtube channel just because he found out that I'm Conservative. I won't get into the details, but I deleted the messages and tried to get him back. But for some reason his channel isn't working for me. :cry: There's always something stopping me! :cry:
Uh..anyway, back on topic. I gotanother plushie in the mail today! I absolutley love plushies. Any plushie will do for me. And no, this one wasn't Marluxia. :cry: They don't even make those!
This one was...Kadaj! If you remember, I mentiond wanting a Kadaj plush awhile ago in my blog. Well,I did end up getting him. :P He was $22, and I got him from
My dad paid for it but he said that when it gets here I need to pay him the money. It's been here for a few hours...and he hasn't said anything. :|
You know whatI just realized? If there was ever a Zexion plush, Zexion might have the same hair as this Kadaj plush, but a different color. I'd kill for a Zexion plush. :x
Well...that's it. I'm thinking about going through with my Warriors union, but I'm not too sure because me and Slyfur are the only peopleI know who reads them. :? I need her input first. :P
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