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When things go bump in the night

I think my bedroom is becoming like Slyfur's house---haunted.

Well maybe not that haunted.

But still pretty haunted (and loud) to wake me up in the night. And it's all coming from my bedroom.

You remember that Axel figure I said I bought in one of my blogs? Well, he's standing on one of my shelves above my desk. During the day, he's silent as a rock. Doesn't move, doesn't speak. (Duh, he's a toy)

And a certain poster inmy room is also causing a bit of trouble. During the day, it is stuck to my wall, not moving an inch...

So now, for about three or four nights in a row, these items have been waking me up in the middle of the night. Axel usually makes the first move. First I hear a sound that sounds like beads, then a loud sound that sounds like someone throwing a bag of rocks on my desk. I turn on the light, and there is Axel, laying on my desk. I figure, "'K, he just fell from the shelf." So I put him back on the shelf and go back to sleep.

Then a few hours later in the night I hear a sound that sounds like paper ripping loudly. Then another sound that sounds like rocks. I turn on the light again, thinking it was Axel falling again, then I see my poster on the ground.I leave the poster where it fell since I'm too tired to do anything about it.

The nextday I make sure Axel is secure on the shelf, far from the edge. His feet are evenly placed on the shelf and his body is not leaning too far on one side.

I hang the poster back on the wall securely.

The whole day nothing happens. But when night all began again, with these same objects.

And the night after....

And then just last night both items moved around... (luckily Axel was never damged)

I don't know what it wrong with these things. They can't possibly fall because I make sure they don't. Something's weird in my room...
