Well guys, sorry, but, I've moved on from Gamespot and moved to IGN.com
If you want more information just e-mail me at littletauren@gmail.com if you want more info.
Well guys, sorry, but, I've moved on from Gamespot and moved to IGN.com
If you want more information just e-mail me at littletauren@gmail.com if you want more info.
I never really got what was so great about Wii-Ware. Its easier to get games onto the Wii, you can have more unique games on the Wii yaddah yaddah. If you want indie games get a PS3, the PSN has a lot to offer or go over to newgrounds....ANYWAYS, I expected Wii Ware to not really be much and I don't get why other's thought it'd be some console defying thing. Its Nintendo's Xbox Live Arcade except a year and a half late. That's all. Look at the launch games all of them are mediocre at best.
This gets me to where the Wii's actually going to go. What's gonna be the Wii2? See? For me, the novelty lasted a year, it won't last much longer for others. Hardcore Ninty fans live it, its a good system but well it isn't blow me away fantastic ESPECIALLY if you also own a gamecube. Also, what's next for the 360 and PS3? Games can look better but what's after HD?
In the gaming world there are usually 3 types of hard. Hard by purpose, hard by mode and hard by flaws.
Hard by purpose: A good example of a game like this would be Contra. By this I mean that these games are hard and are just really hard for the purpose of making the game more epic or rewarding. I for one like this in a downloadable game or something but in a full-blown $60 game getting stuck is a lot harder to swallow.
Hard by mode: This is probably the best way for a game to be hard. When you start a game you can choose 'Easy, Medium or Hard' or variants of such. The titles SHOULD be explanitory. A game like Ikaruga is not hard by mode because when you choose medium, its freakin' hard! Another problem with using this is when Hard mode has to be unlocked, yes, I do understand not wanting someone to just jump into a very hard mode while not knowing what to do but, really, unlockables in and of itself are bad, but when you make someone work to make the game more exciting then you have a problem.
Hard by Flaws: This is OBVIOUSLY the one designers should definitely avoid. A game that's hard by flaws is a game that has such poor controls, hit detection and especially camera is usually what makes a terrible game.
I kind of thought of this list after finishing Assault Heroes, the last level of that game is a MAJOR let down and is plagued by camera issues such as the camera not moving as fast as you are making it a lot harder. Now, I like Assault Heroes a lot but it was a very annoying issue. I also noticed that I am prone to buying very difficult XBLA games such as Alien Hominid and Ikaruga so I just decided to write this.
Well, since I'm sick and bored I've written a simple guide to test if you're a Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony Fanboy.
You know you're a Microsoft fanboy if....
-You own Recon Armor
-Your gamerscore is above 20000
-You have a Master Chief controller
-You call your friends by their gamertag
-You do not own a Wii or a PS3.
-You own the Original Xbox and the 360
If 3 or more of these apply to you then you are a Microsoft fanboy.
You know you're a Sony fanboy if.....
- You own a PSP, PS3, PS1 and PS2
-You think that the Wii ripped off Sony with motion control because it was released two days after the PS3.
-You got a PS3 on launch day
-You have modded your PS3 so that it has over 150gbs of storage.
-You can play most 2-player games on the playstation without anyone else.
-You constantly chant 'Pata-pata-patapon'
If 3 or more of these apply then you are a Sony fanboy.
You know you're a Nintendo fanboy if.....
-You own a DS, GBA, GBC, GB, NES, SNES, N64, GC and a Wii
-You became a plummer for the sole reason that Mario is one.
-You have written a Super Smash Brothers related Fan-fic.
-You have spent well over $100 on First party nintendo Virtual Console titles.
- You have never owned a Sony, Microsoft, Atari or Sega console and you use a Mac.
-You think Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is better than any other Final Fantasy game.
If 3 or more of these apply then you are a Nintendo Fanboy.
So, I was wandering around a Swiss game store or two, hoping that I would miraculously find an English copy of The World Ends With You lying on the floor, no version of the actual original version in sight. But, that being said Europe aint all bad, sure they still don't have Rock Band but I found Wii Fit lying around and Singstar for the PS3 but that being said, nothing would prepare me for what I saw next. Throughout the stores I saw about a 10 CHF (Swiss Franks) difference between American and European price tags for the most part. Now I saw possibly the worst pricing I had ever seen since I saw some no-name GBC game being sold for $90 at a toy store (Also in Switzerland) I saw Patapon with a $60 price tag. And oh my freakin' gosh did I saw 'What the Crap?'. Yes, I was surprised to see GTA 4 in stores but, come on. Patapon for $60? Europe, I feel sorry for you. Oh yeah and Rock Band for $300? Hah.
On a lighter note, I've recently picked of Final Fantasy 4 Advance again. I got it a year ago and 5 hours in I kinda found myself stuck, but I am stuck no longer. I should be finished with the game in about a week, so expect a review of it sometime soon. Fairly impressed with it actually and my standards were pretty high my only problem is that the characters don't seem to develop.
Note: A lot of my reviews are of games that I haven't finished. I usually try to finish the game or at least try to scope out a little else about it if I just don't really care to finish it. The only game I've actually done this for is Twilight Princess, but if you can beat Rock Band, I guess I haven't done it. This is also good for games that are just so terribly bad and have such high levels of suck emnating from them (Like Armored Core: Formula Front. Expect that review score to be very, very low.)
I own every single console besides the PS3 in this 'Seventh Generation' and have heard and read a crapload about them, so now I shall deliver the pros and cons of each and every console including the handhelds. Note that I've only played DS games on a DS lite and PSP games only on the original fat PSP.
XBOX 360
Nintendo Wii
Ahh yes, so recently I downloaded the PSP Echochrome demo. I'm impressed. Its fun but some of the puzzles I can't really see how they work, which could get frustrating later on. Anyways, as the title says I will now list the top 10 BEST games I've ever played and remember, I haven't played them all and once I put up my Twillight Princess Review it'll explain why no Zelda game is on this list. Anyways, without further ado, here we go!
Ratchet and Clank Going Commando: Out of the like, 5 PS2 games I've played this one definitely is the best. Great puzzles, great combat, beautiful visuals and above all sharp wit, this game had to make the list.
Final Fantasy 6: Epic, epic EPIC! Yeah, I'm only at the very last dungeon which means I haven't beaten it, but this Sword Opera is easily one of the best sprite games ever, and the best sprite Final Fantasy out there. Once I finish it, it'll probably be higher on the list, but until then it'll have to settle with number 9.
Rock Band: Possibly the most fun game....EVER you cannot help but respect this game's awesomeness. I gave it a 9.0 which is unusual for games on a top 10 list, but that was just technical, when it comes to fun this ranks high, VERY VERY HIGH amung the best. For pure fun, I can't think of a game that beats it.
Final Fantasy 1&2 Dawn of Souls: Yeah, I did say that Final Fantasy 6 is the best Sprite Final Fantasy ever. It is. But, see, Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls are the first two games, PUT TOGETHER for like, $30. With cleaned up graphics, extras and a great deal, I had to put this on the list.
Jade Empire: A fantastic Action game an epic story and RPG elements put this game in this position. I was actually arguing with myself whether to put Jade Empire, Smash Brothers Melee or World of Warcraft here, but they're 11 and 12 because they lack Story which is incredibly crucial in a game. Melee has that great fighting, WoW has great visuals and a great world but Jade Empire has both of those, so that's why its NUMBA 6!
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Ya know how I said that Final Fantasy 6 is the best Sprite Fantasy game, but then pretty much re-wrote that with Dawn of Souls and said that its the best of the Final Fantasy Sprite games? Well, I LIED! Yes, this game blends a good story, great replayability, tons of stuff to do and great visuals to create a great package. If the main character didn't suck so much it'd be higher on the list.
Mass Effect: Oh yeah. What do you get when you mix KOToR, Gears of War and every great Sci-Fi piece of Fiction ever? An awesome game.
NUMBER 3!!!!
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: This has to have one of the best stories in a game, ever. Its the best thing to happen to Star Wars SINCE episode 6. Ever since the Credits rolled in a New Hope, it's been every nerd's dream.
NUMBER 2!!!!!
Fire Emblem: Possibly the best strategy game EVER, this tactical masterpiece had an epic story, great length, great replayability and awesome graphics. I've probably spent the most time on this game over any others except for maybe WoW. Anyways, I think my time totals to about 200 hours or so. Yeah. Get it.
Golden Sun: With an Epic Story Line, innovative combat, Dungeons that actually don't stop the story (That's something Zelda could learn from) awesome puzzles, memorable characters, a fantastic sound track that I STILL listen to, Multiplayer and possibly the best cover of any game on this list its Golden Sun. This game is PERFECT and if you have a GBA, or a DS pick this one up!
NUMBER 0!!!!!!
Golden Sun The Lost Age: The best sequel a game could EVER be. Advancing the plot, adding more depth making the puzzles better and concluding the best franchise I've ever played. The Lost Age, you're everything that the original was except you have even more humor and even better music. Ever hear of Briggs? Get this game too. PLEEEEEASE! If you don't then you're missing out on one of the best games ever.
So, I finally got a deal to sell my Wii. I should have a PS3 by the summer and a glut of a dozen or so awesome PS1 and PS2 games by Christmas. Now, see, these games are games that I have extremely high hopes for and by extremely high hopes I mean I think they might just be perfect in my eyes. Here they are:
Final Fantasy 7: What can I say? It revolutionized RPGs and I've loved it to death since I've heard of it. Sure, it'll cost me $80 but, who cares?
Chrono Trigger: Ah yes. I'm getting the Final Fantasy Chronicles PS1 bundle thingy that comes with Chrono Trigger. If this game is as legendary as they say I'll be very satisfied.
Chrono Cross: Gamespot gave it a perfect 10/10 what more can I say?
Shadow of the Collosus: Dude, its Zelda-the painful dungeons so its all Epic Boss Fights!
Okami: Although, I don't think its gonna be perfect I do sure think it'll be great. Its Zelda but you're a wolf and it's more Anime-like!
Xenogears: Another Square masterpiece I'm dieing to play
Oblivion: Can you say Grand Theft Dungeons and Dragons? World of Warcraft minus the griefers and an emphasis on the Epic? SOLD!
Crisis Core: Now, I think as a stand-alone game it won't be perfect. But after I finish FF7, it sure will be. The points in its review were miniscule so much that I wouldn't care.
The World Ends With You: An innovative RPG? Awesome art style? No Mickey Mouse? SOLD!
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions: I loved Tactics Advance, so....why not love the original with awesome updates???????
Hopefully, these games will be worth the wait and money and live up to my expectations. And no, by expectations I don't mean perfect but I mean one masterful rollercoaster. Oh yeah, Halo....oh wait I forgot....abundance of imbeciles online and lack of anyone that likes FPSes that I know.....besides that imbecile oh wait....nevermind.
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