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Europe, I'd hate to be you.

So, I was wandering around a Swiss game store or two, hoping that I would miraculously find an English copy of The World Ends With You lying on the floor, no version of the actual original version in sight. But, that being said Europe aint all bad, sure they still don't have Rock Band but I found Wii Fit lying around and Singstar for the PS3 but that being said, nothing would prepare me for what I saw next. Throughout the stores I saw about a 10 CHF (Swiss Franks) difference between American and European price tags for the most part. Now I saw possibly the worst pricing I had ever seen since I saw some no-name GBC game being sold for $90 at a toy store (Also in Switzerland) I saw Patapon with a $60 price tag. And oh my freakin' gosh did I saw 'What the Crap?'. Yes, I was surprised to see GTA 4 in stores but, come on. Patapon for $60? Europe, I feel sorry for you. Oh yeah and Rock Band for $300? Hah.

On a lighter note, I've recently picked of Final Fantasy 4 Advance again. I got it a year ago and 5 hours in I kinda found myself stuck, but I am stuck no longer. I should be finished with the game in about a week, so expect a review of it sometime soon. Fairly impressed with it actually and my standards were pretty high my only problem is that the characters don't seem to develop.

Note: A lot of my reviews are of games that I haven't finished. I usually try to finish the game or at least try to scope out a little else about it if I just don't really care to finish it. The only game I've actually done this for is Twilight Princess, but if you can beat Rock Band, I guess I haven't done it. This is also good for games that are just so terribly bad and have such high levels of suck emnating from them (Like Armored Core: Formula Front. Expect that review score to be very, very low.)