I own every single console besides the PS3 in this 'Seventh Generation' and have heard and read a crapload about them, so now I shall deliver the pros and cons of each and every console including the handhelds. Note that I've only played DS games on a DS lite and PSP games only on the original fat PSP.
XBOX 360
- Can play DVDs
- A lot of multiplatform games look best on the 360
- Has a stellar online feature
- Can play Music and Videos
- Has a lot of hard-hitting exclusives
- Achievements
- Has a sturdy controller with rumble and a long battery life
- Most packages come with a headset bundled in
- Not too expensive for what you're getting.
- Xbox Live costs money
- Prone to breaking
- Many of its games are eventually ported onto the PC
- HD DVDs lost
- The majority of the people online are in short: bad people
- Free online
- Has the best graphical capabilities of any console
- Six axis and long lived rechargable controller
- Some great exclusive titles
- Music, video and web browser are ALL availlable.
- The 40GB version costs almost exactly the same as a normal blu-ray player
- Blu-Ray Playback
- An awesome deal for what you're getting.
- Many games are delayed
- Online isn't as good as the 360's.
- Some multiplatform games don't utilize the hardware and the game has worse graphics or longer loading times.
- Lack of rumble
- Bad use of six-axis.
Nintendo Wii
- Wii-Mote can be a great way of control
- Free online
- Virtual Console
- All of Nintendo's Core franchises
- Very good for a casual audience
- A lot of games don't have graphical power but great art.
- Most content is Wii-Exclusive
- Cheapest
- Online is not nearly as good as the other systems with tedius friend codes and lack of voice chat and easily-freezable online.
- Tons of bad gimmicky games
- If you got a gamecube or N64 and didn't completely fall in love with the system, you won't now.
- Least graphical power
- No Video or music play back at all, whatsoever.
- Rumble and mic on the Wii-Mote feel cheap.
- IR sensor isn't all too powerful
- Lacks any AAA RPGs
- Nothing on the Horizon.
- Very low battery life on the Wii-mote.
- Tons of media options
- Most graphical power
- A lot of games are handheld versions of big-screen games such as GTA, GoW, Ratchet and Clank, Burnout....the list goes on.
- A bunch of great RPGs
- Has at least one Analog stick
- Widescreen
- Breaks more often than the DS
- One analog stick can make things awkward
- Not too many genre-defining or completely innovative games.
- Innovative Touch Screen
- A bunch of great games
- Built-in microphone
- Folding screen
- Diverse selection of titles
- Family fun
- A lot of bad games
- No Media options
- Isn't as graphically impressive as the PSP
- Screen scratches, stylus breaks and the frame connecting the two parts of the DS can also break.
- No GBC playback