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Quotes of LittleYoshi

doominatorx6: "For the better i guess. Ps3 has more power and disk space then 360. Still i dont know why they wouldnt make it for PC..."
Little Yoshi:
He is right...(I guess) but why are some (not all) hateing. By that I mean giving him thumbs down and all......(don't get mad at me.....I'm justing saying.)

Posted Sep 1, 2007 7:48 pm PT
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GohanSSJZ :
("You 360 fanboys are pathetic, you're just as pathetic as the PS3 fanboys.
When the 360 gets more exclusives then you use every oppertunity to brag about it towards PS3 players, but as soon as the PS3 gets a good exclusive then you come with stories like "well we already got this, that, and those other games, so we don't need it"
Stop posting like fanboys, nobody likes them.")
Little Yoshi:
"I'm with you on that!" - Just don't push it because the other 360 fanboys (2.0 haters) will show up and report you. (And that just plain dumb) But hey I'm just saying again......(we got as much right to say this as much as anyone else can.) (Was fair is fair fanboys...)

Posted Sep 1, 2007 8:00 pm PT
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***READ***ONLY***( Little Yoshi quote: )
What now people are going to sued Sony's PS3 for being a good looking system!!!
(Conpare to the other system the PS3 is a sexy system.)

Why don't people pick on the 360 and wii (a bit more if they don't already)

Sony got the same right to make a system so don't hate people.

The more you hate it the more dumb your going to look in the end.

Posted May 28, 2007 6:26 pm PT
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P.S.I'll be leaving Gamespot soon......when? I don't know??......I might not come back again, but who knows for sure......maybe I'll come back......maybe. I got tried of Gamespot and this place is turning into a fanboy hater place you see why. I will say my good byes soon......(the heading: Good Bye Everyone) (original LOL)