Hey guys I'm back! Since my birhday I got a 360 for christmas! I also got Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War.
I bought two games myself (Orange Box and Dead Rising) and I'm gonna get another on the 29th (Guess what it is). I also play on xboxlive. my gamer tag is jaiwhite205. You can usually catch me playing on the weekends because I don't play during the week. I play Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 the most. I have to say that CoD4 is the better game (Just because I'm better at it). But Halo 3 has more double XP weekends (My favorite game is Team SWAT) I also played Bioshock two weeks ago. It's the best game I've ever played (I mean it too). If you haven't played it yet, play it on Hard Mode because it the experience way more beter. I won't be playing Xbox live until GTA 4 comes out though. I ran out o months and I just got wireless internet so I gotta get an adapter (100 bucks!!) I'm kinda bored right now because I'm waiting on Star Wars Galaxies to finish updating. I'm getting into PC gaming to. Right now I have: Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2, and the Movies. My name on LOTR is l33tplayer and it's the same on StarWars. Oh yeah I got SmashBros. Brawl when it came out. I cant find anyone playing online though. I think there;s some kind of update or something. I might post back to tell how my first day back inLibertyCity goes. bye!