Livestrong101's forum posts
Well, of course we are only applying the parts which are relevant regarding military theory. I`m not sure that Sun Tsu has a chapter on "rabid dogs" or "napalm" anyway. But he does talk about battle with a superior opponent, and in the case of the game it`s a person with more experience, more firepower and equipment. Why do the US spend so much money playing War Games if games per se are not relevant? But as the thread is to discuss whether other players think of the game as an "arcade game shooter" or not your sentence presumes an answer which hasn`t been settled yet. In addition to that, yes I think that this a justification of Campers because as you all know Kill Streaks come about from people being killed over and over (unlike Campers plan to do), and Kill Streaks do indeed rain down missiles which we can`t do anything about. I think for beginners certainly it represents a responsibility to the team. Lots of players complain about Campers but don`t seem to appreciate the benefit they have of not giving up Kill Streaks, and let`s face it everyone started the game getting killed..but how does that fair when a napalm randomlydeep fries your team or rabid dogs suddenly attack? Its a whole world of difference when you apply real life military tactics to an arcade game shooter.
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