I totally agree with gamespot on this rating the lack of characters in one thing but how some characters are missing transformations is ridicolous. The creators new we wanted all the characters from the series but they didnt give it to us shame on them, to even release this game without some characters that was in rb2 was a mistake they should at least added them. It would of be cool if they added some new characters like tapion,super andriod 17,baby vegeta,the supreme kai,goku gt kid form,general rildo,lord slug, would it been to much for them to add those characters!?!.To be honest this game is a joke they added some cool new stuff to the game besides that its trash rent at best, its not worth the whole amount. They release a game every year and still cant get it right since 2000 or listen to the people that buy the games. But oh well back to BT3 when they actually did it the right way anyways im out see you guys and girls later. -Legend Out-
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