(edited with something I completely forgot!) )A wtf moment to remember
by Llama_guy on Comments
You know, sometimes life feels like throwing a complete wtf moment at you. Some days ago, I experienced such a moment, and it was even a good one! Here's the deal: Thursday, I got on the bus to school as usual. Since it's a long way to school (30-40 mins), I usually do something on my laptop when I'm sitting there, be it watching anime, playing games, doing homework or something else. Adn on the laptop, I have this really cool pic from Naruto. Anyway, I take on my earbuds, and start listening to some lovely J-music. It doesn't take long, however, before I feel someone tapping my shoulder. The first thought that runs through my head is that my music is too loud and that sound is 'leaking' out. So I mute the sound, take off the earbuds, and look over to see this girl standing there. Of course, now I expect to hear something like "could you turn donw your music?", but no, instead she asks: "That picture on your desktop, that's from Naruto, right?". I, being compeltely baffled, mutter "um... yeah?". She replies "that's awesome! Do you watch it?". She was obviously an anime - or at least a Naruto - fan. And such the conversation started. She ended up seating herself next to me, and we talked about anime and Japan and whatnot during the whole bus trip. I found out she's actually attending the same school as me, but she's taking Arts. We met again at the bus Friday morning, and, well, I feel like I've made a friend (and a girl at that =P) in a pretty peculiar way. As for other stuff, there's not a lot to say. I'm still friggin' sick, but I'm getting glasses, which may actually help (yeah, starting tomorrow I'll be using glasses =D). I hope so, because my grades have fallen to Bs/Cs instead of pretty much straight As >_> And that's about it for now. Later, folks! Song of the blog: Ritsuko Okazaki - For Fruits Basket (opening theme for the anime Fruits Basket) EDIT: I completely forgot to tell you that today is my 16th birthday =D