Hey, people, what's up? Me? I've done some small changes to my blog layout - mainly making it easier to see where a new subject starts, and I'm also asking you a question from each of the subjects I talk about in the blog. Else? Read my blog, duh.
Summer: We're currently having summer conditions here in Norway. Well, at least in my town. Temperatures in the 80s and a blue, sunny sky is the best and only way to describe the current weather. 8) How is the weather where you live?
Laziness and McDonald's: No one at home wanted to make pizza - which we have pretty much every Saturday night - tonight, so we ended up ordering takeaway from McDonald's. My mom, me and my sis ordered a large Chicken Nuggets menu (Chicken Nuggets are just so awesome!), and my dad ordered a double Big Mac menu. It was really delicious, but that's a given, since it's McDonald's. It's probably only because we rarely eat McDonald's food, though. I'm not a fan of it even though it's really delicious - it's way too unhealthy. What is your opinion on McDonald's?
James Bond: Ah, what would the world have been without the world-saving lady magnet known as James Bond? The movie industry would've lacked something great, at least. Anyway, we watch James Bond movies almost every Saturday night - "we" meaning my mom, I and my dad (who falls asleep halfway through the movie and much to me and my mom's dismay begins to snore) - tonight we're watching The Man with the Golden Gun. This one features my favorite James Bond actor, Roger Moore, as well as the oh-so funny character Sheriff J.W. Pepper. I can't wait :D Do you watch James Bond?
Diamond: I've recently begun to play Pokémon Diamond all over again. It's a really fun game, especially when I've got a DS emulator (computer program which allows me to run DS games on my computer) that actually works without lagging at all. And no, I have no intentions of actually buying a DS, because I've spent too much money lately on things like a Nintendo Wii - which by the way rocks -, a piano and (soon) a new monitor for my computer. I'm planning on a 21" flat screen - it'll be a great improvement from my current 17" lump of a monitor :D Do you like Pokémon?
Lots of Work: I'm talking about school here. Now listen up. This next week, I have a Science test (Genetics) on Wednesday, a 5-minute minitalk in English about the Cold War on Wednesday, a major Norwegian test (Literary History) on Thursday and a 20-page Social Studies project about the difference between the poor countries in the world (Africa, South America) and the rich (Europe, North America, Oceania, Japan). I've not started the project in Social Studies, nor have I begun preparing the minitalk, but I've read to the tests. I know Genetics already, so I don't need to read much there, but the Literary History test is a little tougher - mainly because I have very few good feelings towards that subject.
Also, from next Friday and throughout the week after that we're having written final exams (we have both written and oral final exams). This is the first final exams for us 10th graders, so it'll be fun! We get either English, Norwegian or Mathematics for the written exams. Depending on what subject we have, we have different days for preparation and exam days; here's a list:
Preparation: Friday 16th, Monday 19th
Exam Day: Tuesday 20th.
Days off: Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd
Preparation: Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th.
Exam: Wednesday 21st
Days off: Friday 16th, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd
Preparation: Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd
Exam Day: Friday 23rd
Days off: Friday 16th, Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th
Have you had your final exams, or do you have them soon?
Anime: I want to watch the series InuYasha badly, but I can't find any subbed version. Anyone feel like helping me there? I won't watch the dub version, no matter what, because of my preference to watch stuff in the original language, even though the dub is actually better.
I've still got a lot of new spring anime episodes to catch up; the list goes down and up frequently. I'm looking forward till after the written exams; it'll be an easy ride until graduation from there (I'll get back to you on the whole graduation deal later). Which spring anime are you watching? (if any)
Other: Well, I don't have so much to say, really. How do you like my new blog layout?
Song: Falco - Hitomi Shimatani
And some pictures which made me go rofl (that's rare)
Yeah! :P