Acting? A church is more than a place you go to each weak because you have to (you don't even have to) it is a place of God where you go to learn about him, and in return come closer to him. You shouldnt go to church if your acting to like it, your missing the whole point of the place. 123625
I don't go to church. I don't see the point. Even if there was a God, I don't think [he] would care if you went to some building once a week and acted like you cared for an hour to save face and to make yourself feel better about being alive. And then go back to your ways soon thereafter. LoCi-X
Exactly, because you have to. Your parent or spouse or preacher tells you that you have to, because you can't miss putting your money in with the donations (even though you already have 10% of your paycheck transferred to them). And if you don't, you are quite the sinner. Do you give your 10% sir??
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