Hey guys, if anyone actually remembers me, then you'll know I haven't been online in quite some time. This year I have been preoccupied with other things and have had little time to contribute to this site. I logged in for the first time in about four months yesterday and saw that I'd been voluntarily resigned from all my guides. But its all ok, they've all gone to people who will do I great job. I have been a part of this site since 2003, back when it was TVTome, and now am leaving in 2007. In a way its quite sad because its been a part of my life for so long! lol - But I thought I'd log in and say goodbye to all you guys who posted comments on all my silly celebrity blogs (which i deleted and laughed at when I saw what I had posted! lol), this is an awesome little internet community to be apart of, and its been a blast! I'll log in once more at the end of the week to delete my account.
Goodbye, and godspeed.