started playing the . hack games like i almost beat it in one day too easy im the man i got 20 hours in two days
and now im at the last boss
okay here it is i went into another unions board today and like the entire thing was stuff ripped off from us so if you guys
see any of this let me know and the approaite action will be taken
the pic above descripes my mood right now
first off i was gone all weekend so when i loged on today i was like what officer alright thanks for everyone that considred
me and congrats to tocan dkvamp too i hope i didnt diapponet any one thanks again
oh please will the horror ever end i just want a sig must stay strong
and keep going se gamers lounge and combat chaos legion are going on that banner somewhere so big shout out
too kuksoolmaster, dragonlife, ciaxhieu
yeah get this get god of war real happy grap a pizza even happier start playing oooo hapiest ive been in a while then
the unthinkable happens im at the second stage and yeah the disk starts skipping noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
yeah some if any body wants to know how the umm first and second stage are let me but beyond that for now i done
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