This is more or less just a list I'm making for myself that I have in a place where I can always access it.
ICO (never really got into it but want to finish one day)
Hitman Trilogy (still on the first (technically second) game, it's good but I got stuck on a mission)
Psychonauts (hilartious game I haven't played in years, got stuck on a boss fight)
Persona 3 (love it but never finished it)
Persona 4 (haven't even started yet)
Yakuza 2 (Great game, slowly making my way through, should be finished by the time Yakuza 3 is tranlated though lol)
Crackdown (I play it in bursts)
Eternal Sonata (an RPG I never got into that heavily and sort of overlooked, have seen the opening cutscene)
LEGO Indian Jones (started playing around the time I reverted back to my PS3)
LOST (hate the puzzles in this game and lost interest)
Lost Odyssey (currently stuck in a temple)
Mass Effect (love the story but could never dig the gameplay due to framerate issues)
Perfect Dark Zero (found it really meh)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (left it for unkown reasons, probably trying to make sure everyone lives to the end)
Golden Sun (fantastic RPG, got quite far but never finished
PSP (only got it last month but am still playing it often so I won't list these games yet)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Never got into the Wii controls for it, if I could revert to a GameCube controller I would finish it)
Paper Mario (Great RPG, just never finished it unfortunately, got it about the time I mvoed on from my Wii to the PS3)
Batman Arkham Asylum (only have a few challenge maps to beat to get the Platinum, but I'm not very good at the combat ones)
Bioshock (Beaten the single-player, don't really feel compelled to go back to it, is near the bottom of my list)
Brutal Legend (got it a few days ago, only just getting into it)
Burnout Paradise (A few Smashes here and there to collect
Dead Space (really enjoy it, finished the story mode, shall attempt to Platinum it later on down the track)
Far Cry 2 (a great little FPS that has been squashed by upcoming games)
GTA IV (Trophies came out after I beat the game so I lost interest in my trophy run quickly, have beaten it enough for me to be happy)
Various Guitar Hero games (lots of work on these games)
Killzone 2: A few chapters away from completeing the main story, may try for a few multiplayer trophies but the game didn't really grab me)
Prince of Persia (fun little game, started again to get the rest of the trophies, got distracted by Uncharted 2)
Resident Evil 5 (Attempted playthrough on the hardest difficulty and got my butt handed to me)
Resistance 2 (good game, finished the campaign once, never really touched the multiplayer)
Singstar games (good for drunken evenings)
SEGA MegaDrive collection (I mainly stuck to the games I know)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (just could not get into this game, kept seeing it as a horrible version of Uncharted)
Uncharted 2 (currently at 50% of trophies, shall finish it off soon enough)
Valkyria Chronicles (I like it enough, but when it comes to actually playing it some more I can't be bothered)
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (good game, short, probably won't go back for trophies)
inFamous (haven't finished the campaign yet, let alone begun an evil campaign)
Games coming in by the end of the year:
Demon's Souls
Fallout 3 GOTY
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Modern Warfare 2
Assassins Creed II
Tekken 6
GTA: Episodes From Liberty City
Yep, lots of gaming on my end
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