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Two Weeks Later

So, I've been at university for two weeks and I've come to a realisation: The people and teachers are great and I get on really well with them. This however is where my joy of going to university ends. Let me explain.

Two weeks ago, in one of my comments on one of my blogs, I decided that althouugh the Orientation left me somewhat disappointed I'd stick with it in the hopes it would improve. It did as I got to know people. Unfortunately my love for the classes themselves did not grow. At the end of Week One I figured I'd give it a chance for the next few weeks as they're probably just starting us off on easy, basic stuff. At the end of Week Two things haven't improved.

I just find all my classes so boring and I lose attention very quickly. I've come to the conclusion that I was really doing this course because of the careers it can lead into. At the same time I decided that I can't keep doing this course if I hate it, I can't have a career, regardless of how much I get paid, if I hate it. In the words of Tim from The Office "It's better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb then halfway up one you don't".

One good thing this experience has reignited in me is my passion for writing. During one of my classes I was so bored I had time to think and I finally overcame the writer's block I've had for a few months now. By the end of that one hour class I had scripted a fair chunk of a screenplay I've been stuck on for months.


On the brighter side I now have a job again. I imagine I'll work here for the year and enrol in a new class for next year. There's also some small courses at the local TAFE that genuinely intrigue me that I'll probably do over the year. And hopefully, by the end of the year, I'll have finished this screenplay.