▲ Yup, took me a while, but I beat it. It took me 32 hours, including some DLC. An hour less than the original.
At first I disliked the differences in the sequel, but the game still had me glued in. The character loyalty missions kind of dragged on. And the RPG elements were missed. The ending was just okay. Also, the combat felt more limiting than the original. There was less emphasis on special attacks and your side characters were less interesting to use and less helpful. Also, there is one weapon in this game I absolutly hate, it's one of the assult riffles. It just shoots in small bursts damn annoying. It requires constant reloading to. Planet scanning was bs, as well was the fuel and probes. the citadel was needlessly changed. I played this on my xbro and disliked changing discs.
ENOUGH with the negatives. I liked the game. It was fun, more so than the original. 8.0. The final boss was creepy as hell also.
Who did I romance?
Miranda. She's god tier. Her enhanced genetics makes for good baby making
Who died?
Zaeed. I felt nothing for him.
Thane. He was going to die anyways.
Tali. I don't know why, she was just laying on the floor. Oh well, kind of dissapointing, I could have used her help in ME3.
My Shephard survived. Joker is kick ass.
Now, off to play another BIOWARE game. Effing love WRPGs. ▲