▲ I hated it. Such a waste of time. ▲
Just curious, why'd you hate it?
▲ The story or maybe how it was told. It felt like I was being bashed in the head with a philosophy book. The movie was well made, I liked the actors except for Leo and Ellen. I'm not a fan of theirs. It felt like a very obtrusive way to tell a story. Yet at the same time it was very convoluted. It's actually hard to pinpoint what I didin't like- I'm still in a daze. I'll admit I didin't quite get every detail the movie was trying to show me. Near the end of the film I asked myself if I would rewatch it, then I thought "No, I don't care for any of it."
I actually like Nolans previous films or the ones I have seen. I liked TDK. But I feel like one of those few people who disliked The Dark Knight amongst the millions of people who loved it. I just don't see what you guys see in this movie. ▲