Locuzt / Member

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Life, the universe and other things overshadowed by the system war...

Sitting here in my appartment in Aalborg, Denmark, waiting for On The Spot to start... have alot of things on my mind, moving tomorrow, just got a new job, there is a vacation coming up... then i saw it... FFXIII is perhaps no longer PS3 exclusive! but more about that later...


Here (meaning Europe) the PS3 launches tomorrow, and i want one, dont have the money to buy one, but i want one. and before you ask why, all tell you... i dont rightly know... because its Sony? and the never let me down in the past? i dont consider myself a fanboy... not by a long shot... i did have both a PS1 and a PS2, but i also had a NES and a SNES before that.  i bought a 360 as soon as GeOW hit the market... and i bought Oblivion, Dead or Alive and a crappy game called Enchanted Arms for it since. and i love it... but i have actually bought more PS2 games since i got my xbox than actual xbox games, you might find that strange but i havent regretted a single of those buys... FFXII, Okami, GOW2, Rogue Galaxy...  


whats my point you ask. only this, the system wars suck! i fell like i have to pick a side (in witch case it would most likely be sony, but thats mostly cause i dont much like windows. or microsoft as a company...). picking a side SUCKS! i mean i just wanna play great games, and i actually think that as long as we have all three consoles we gamers are doing great! the reason? simply that sony, microsoft and nintendo will do their outmost to out smart, out develop and just plain out quality the other consoles, for the good of the games, and US the GAMERS! so back to the FFXIII beeing not beeing exclusive. well that just removed ALOT of my insentive to go buy a ps3... i know im gonna need one..  since i dont see games like Okami coming out on 360 allthough Piña did alot to alliviate my fears that the "wierd" games would stop coming...


my point is the PS3 is gonna rock! in a year.. or two... and at that point it might have lost the war to the detriment of ALL gamers. Its sad reading the forums where every post is made into a flaming war between fanboys.  sometimes i suspect Sony and Microsoft has hired people to sit all day and write forum posts slandering the other console. ever heard of Viral marketing... well i have..



peace! and hippy quotes and stuff!