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Lois_Saphir Blog

A Fairy Tale

So, for my rhetoric class, I have to write a fairy tale to express some sort of lesson. An argument in the guise of a story, if you will. But I don't know what to argue! Argh, I hate having writer's block like this. *sigh* -.- I was thinking of some kind of meta-fiction/modern appropriation of an older fairy tale, kind of like Jin-Roh, if anyone has ever seen that.

Mean while, the weekend has begun so I can relax some ^^. College is hard work though. So many book to read... can't even hang out with friends. Most of them are stuck watching football with their boyfriends and family. I plan to sleep all day suday though. Just not a sports girl I guess. I am probably alone on that, but I only find the comercials interesting with the Super Bowl lol.

Anyway, I shouold head home soon. So this will be just another brief update. For myself, mostly lol

School's out for Winter!

Well, for a day atleast. My campus shut down due to snow today so I have an excuse to do almost nothing all day! Catch up on reading, scan the boards, cook a nice meal and PARTY! lol

That is all for now.

The weekend draws to a close

I hate when the weekend draws to a close and there is still homework to do for the coming wee of classes. Not as bad as it could be, I did finish my one novel yesterday for my Film and Lit. class. Russel Bank's "The Sweet Hereafter." It was a pretty depressing book, I think; though it did flow smoothly and I loved the characters, there just was not enough of a conclusion to please me. And we still have to watch the movie version in class. All my classes this semester seem to be hung up on movies as much as they are literature. Got to watch Snow White in my rhetoric class last week, and some more, according to the teach, this coming week. That was fun ^.^ Never knew how much Snow White was about sex though o.O.

Anyway, enough ranting for me. Still have work to be done.

For starts

As I still have in my description, being a newly reffered member, I am just filling space in my profile and blog until I can figure out what I want for my main images and such! Other than that, I am just really bored right now and you might have guessed. Need to get back to little big planet. Took me forever last night to make an enemy x.x