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A Fairy Tale

So, for my rhetoric class, I have to write a fairy tale to express some sort of lesson. An argument in the guise of a story, if you will. But I don't know what to argue! Argh, I hate having writer's block like this. *sigh* -.- I was thinking of some kind of meta-fiction/modern appropriation of an older fairy tale, kind of like Jin-Roh, if anyone has ever seen that.

Mean while, the weekend has begun so I can relax some ^^. College is hard work though. So many book to read... can't even hang out with friends. Most of them are stuck watching football with their boyfriends and family. I plan to sleep all day suday though. Just not a sports girl I guess. I am probably alone on that, but I only find the comercials interesting with the Super Bowl lol.

Anyway, I shouold head home soon. So this will be just another brief update. For myself, mostly lol