I agree, you should go for Silent Hill Origins. It's a nice, scary game in my opinion. I also recommend God of War, I've heard great things about it. Aside from it's gameplay length, it should be an excellent game to purchase.
Like cell_dweller, she busted out the "I love you" too soon for me. It's nice to hear it when it's the right time, but more than 5 times within 2 minutes is a little much. She was also on the clingy side, but I guess she couldn't help it, I'm just that adorable :P . Oh yeah, she also had a short fuse. She would spy on me [or had her friends spy on me] to make sure I wasn't talking to other girls in any way. Privacy was not mine.:(
I would go with Piano Black, although it shows prints and smudges easily, it's better than turning an embarrassing shade of yellow. In the end, as someone stated, it all depends on your personal tastes.
If I had the choice, I would choose Piano Black, mainly because I feel that the color matches certain backgrounds [crazy reason] and that it goes well with certain games [another crazy reason]. For example: While playing a dark, scary game, I find that the brightness of the color of my PSP kind of ruins the mood for me. Although the Piano Black does show prints and smudges well, I would still have to say Piano Black. Well, that was my long, drawn-out explanation. I don't know very much about the other colors except that they are extremely unique compared to what you'd find here in the States.
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