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Loopy_Lupine Blog

Tis the seasson

i got a wii!! it was last week, my mum used the santa bucks at meijers plus my 10% off then $220 from my savings.. which is now pretty taped @_@;;
i SOOOO wanna play Zleda twilight princess and RE5 on the wii!! i was talking to a friend last night about the new zelda game and how long we waited for it to be released; i had to wait the longest :(
but he said the game was every thing we hoped it would be and i dono if i can wait till x-mas to see if i got the game :cry:

And i might have to wait till next week to watch Eragon!! and i know making the movie has delayed the 3rd and final book x_X;;

i still have to finish the current book im reading though :P


found my gameboys, i think i shall try to finish RE gaiden, even though i hate the battle system with a passion. Adobe 7.0 doesn't work, net was down, selling a computer, still stuck on leval 8 of Diablo, might join a new D&D a bit reluctant though. it won't be like ali's .. and everyone will be older... i guess i do need to get out of this house more though.

back to games

oblivion has been the obsession with the x-box 360, but i finally decided to play kingdom Hearts2. It's got some decent graphics and some new surprizes, only played it for one game day; twodays but only in a certin amount of time the equivalint of one day. what with all the interuptions i have to deal with. it's not the same as the first, which makes me sad when it comes to controls, and the music has more of a relaxed feeling where as "simple and clean' was more up beat and i believe helped with it's marketing. I also found out that my runescape charecter was not deleated. now i'll have something to do in my free time besides watch youtube.

*evil laughter*

hahahahahaha, so everything has become one grate big effing joke, but i know what i want to do with my life. go to lcc for a while, then transfer into kendall and become an illistrator ^ ^

oh i hate the place where me mum lives now, but where my dad lives r0x! im so happy, i have several friends who live so close to me! kinda makes up for my lonely childhood... kinda.

but anyways yeah, new user names accrost the bord, exept for here and xanga. i changed my myspace name, and vampirefreaks name, so people in haslett will leave me alone and have some effing peace. their winamp totally sux too! nothin but porn simpons and more porn.... these people make me sick!

thats all for now, laterz ^ ^


im getting to be really bipolar, which isn't good, and i ned to get out of my house, im onna take my road test soon.... but i need more practice >.<

people, please, drag me away from my solitary confindment!

the flash of red light before you die

for this entire weekend i have had to put all emotion aside for one thing so important it meens pass or fail, and possibly what collage i ought go to...... CAPSTONE!

all a.m. and all p.m. students had to go, whitch meens i got to meet all the p.m students for the first time since i missed the both team feild trip and o..m...g.... there was some **** hot guys and gals there ^.^ *giggles* but i'm sure they all had someone, and none of them would find me attractive. but they're fun to talk with anyways. there was this one guy who they all called a hippy, but he was more of a grundge person, anyways he was a smart ass and loved to mess with people and he was on the same team with me for vollyball and he was the rotation right after me so we kept going for the ball at the same and kept stopping cuz we kept almost running right into each other.
and then there was this other who started talking with me about swords and knives... holys **** i out rank criag, but this guy out ranks me!! and i asked him for his sn so we could talk more.
can't wait till the next double team trip, we're all gonna see x-men 3 n_n

anyways, the presentations.

there was quite a bit of people there, one guy told me i needed to go a comic convention and some other info on it but i forgot >.< and there was a lady from Kendell there!!
i was telling her about my comic and showing her my prosses note book and she told me that she could see my work in with the stuff people in their illistrator program. Then i menchion dc comics and DarkHores s book companies i liked to read from and she told me that some of the people who go there when to work for DarkHores... I WAS SO **** STOKED!! and i told her i was nervus and she told me not to be that it was okay and gave a little booklet thing and her card and wrote something down on a note book (thought she wrote something for everyone and gave them all booklets) but i was latter told that she only have 4 or 5 people her card! ^ ^

apart from having to stay at criages house to get a ride with Max, then ware high-heled shoes, waite for food while guests got to eat infront of us, and having to get a ride back to Max's and getting lost for a while..... it was pretty **** fun ^ ^

Steaven showed up to the capstone and i started getting a little flurty with him and ended up getting him to get me a pepper from the food table while the guests were still around (he did this only after he drank 2 glasses of punch, and a cookie very slowly and tunted me with his gameboy sd) *hisses* i told him we're going to drag him away from his presois laptop and game conciles and make him play D&D with us.

but now i shall have to go back to my thoughts and what not.


there was a guy who got hit in the eye durring the hocky game and he had some blood pooled in the lower part of it. i wanted to ask him if i could take a picture since it looked so cool, and i was the one who saw it first and told him about the condition of his eye.... but i didn't think he would let me cuz he cuz he was having trouble keeping it open.

I'm Actually Happy!?!?!?!?!?!?

wtf!~?!?!?! how is this possible? well, D&D IS BACK!!!!

cores it wont be with Ali as the DM, probebly cuz of what all happind with her crazy cusin, brakes my heart... actually no not really any more. ^ ^

*dances around* back with alex, back in D&D, going to last chance collage (mayhaps in fall) things are starting to look up again almost like when i was little, i just hope things do happin to to crumble my little shreds of hope. We might need another gamer to join the campign though <<;;

but with the higher powers as my whitness, i sware on my blood i will find another gamer!

*does a happy dance*

see yuo on the other side

I went into the living room and was tempted by my consius to call john cuz i promised i would, but i didn't instead i waited just a little longer for him to call , and we talked a bit. I was already missing Alex, i hadn't seen him at brake time, i waited in the comons area even though my class doesn't get brake. But something john said, just made me miss him, hate my self, and feel so stupid that i started cring. I miss him. Out of all the girls who liked him and he could have gone out with he had asked me to be his g\f, but i was scare, and i was unsure of my own emotions so i let him go, and it hurt just like nick hurt me to see and know that he has someone alse, and even though he has a g\f he's still flurtashus and it made me sad and hurt. he kept asking me if i was alright, but i couldn't tell him, because im the one who hurt my self. and i doubt he'd ever feel the way he did about me again. but i still miss him.

 john got to meet emily. Emily who dreams of someone to care about here, and john who seeks someone to love and understand him. both hurt and rejected, similer yet with diffrent interests. i guess i ws tring to get emily to be more forward adn john to be more social then they were comfterable. at first i didn't think they should meet, then i think they have to. tring to get each of them to take a chance on each other, and only making every one upset, john, emily and dana; i've been getting a drifting feeling from her as of late........... but at least they both considerd, theres that to be content with, and contentness is all i want for them, even if they're just friends.

 I do hope princess emily can go to the ball now, at atlest be happily for that one night.

See you in a shallow gave †


Well, i haven't been on here in quite some time seeing as how we've all been busy...but heres an up date on life.

Been working on a team music video at cacc and quite frankly, i how remember why it is that i hate people. Fist off, only me and two other girls [luri and Jorden] we're working, the other three were constantly chatting and doing nothing what so ever. Second, one of the chatter box'es [Rachle sp] had a very annoying personality which i found extreamly distastful, i can only classify her as a narsasistic, egotistic, conseded self-centerd, social butterfly b1t(h and truely she is at fault for the majorty of our big problems. When we started filming, she was suppose to be monetoring the cam so we didn't get black mixed in with the green screen, and later she had the nerve to brag about watching the cam to a visitor. From there on we were broken into two groups, the finle cut pro people [who ended up just being luri] and the after efects people [everyone ales] and all Rachle could do the first day of that was b1t(h and mone about how she didn't wanna do things the way Nicki wanted and that she had to creative say in the project, i really pitty the idgit cuz if she gets hired to make things, she's gonna have to listen to what her clients want or P155 off. And no one offerd to share their computer with Maggie! I HAD TO! which was a royal pain in the a$$ cuz we had to keep logging on and off.

 Anyways, from there things got worse for me, cuz i actually asked Jorden how to move the cam and stuff after we all got yelled at for not moving it, and for some reason she seemed to like my clips which, though i like to be praised for doing a good job, i couldn't help but feel i'd get skrewd over and sure enough all the others wanted me to do was move finnish their clips for them. Now i don't mind showing them how to move stuff, but they'd always walk away and tell me "what ever you just finnish it" which i did sadly because our grade was depending on it. I'm just glad it's finaly done.........

now at home, mum and Toni were having problems, problems concerning another woman texting toni and mum getting sad and jelous. She said she had been meen to toni though and was sorry. they're still together though and looking for a new house which meens we're moving yet again - -;;;

As for personal life, theres a guy who likes me, but i'm not all to fond of him, and i think i pitty him. He's just not my type, way too attenchion giving and needy of attenchion returnd, plus he can talk for hours if i let him >.< (try not to though!) i still feel bad for braking up with Alex, and last time i saw him he was as flurtashus as ever, but he has a girl friend now, and although it makes me sad, i will be happy for him cuz he finally has someone better  ^ ^

well, cheers ~

i hate winter sesson!

christmas is all fine and nice, but it's the snow and drop in temp. that i wish i didn't have to deal with! it makes my sinuses go crazy. Plus i, for the first time in years, am not faking sick, but indeed have a fever. I'am not sure of my tep. as we have not had a thermomiter- temp taking thing, since my sblings and i were little heathens. And i still have to go to CACC cuz i don't have a doctors note and do not with to lose points, but as long as i don't reach the limit, i can be called out of home school. 

Mummy wants to get me into the doctors, but sice i got all my health covorage chaned to my step mum when father-person got legal custedy of me, and now this is all a grate big mess which leaves me skrewd... up the @$$


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