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Lord-Nerevar Blog

The Art of the Melee

In nearly every FSP or even possibly 3rd person shooter, you have undoubtly encountered a melee or two (Most likely two). This attack move can be traced back to the dawn of video games, such as in the N-64 game Golden Eye. Needless to say the karate chop of bond was one of the more memerable ones. Yet there was one subtile difference in that melee move that puts all other games to shame, Balance. Sure it took a bunch of hits to take down someone, but it blured and disorented them to near blindness status. Which brings me to the point of this blog, melee in modern games such as Halo 3 and COD 4 are unnessary and unbalanced. Whats worse in a game then to have your extra hard work in trying to kill someone, brough to a shame all because they pressed one botton. One simple twitch of the finger brought all your stalking and manuvering to a quick end.

Games in todays standards, boast a large range of weapons that are appearently 'balanced'. Such as in COD 4, they spent a lot of time tweaking and perfecting their weapons to ensure balance. Even in a recent patch, they continue to strive for fair fire fights. And yet they over look the knife opposing all their hard work. I dont know about you but a knife slash ANYWHERE (excluding the neck) wont kill me. 1 slash is all it takes, and yet a person can shrug off a .50 cal sniper round. It seems to me that this old attack called melee has become quite unfair and unbalanced. A move placed in games to give the panicky noob (pardon the stereotype) a way out. Im sick and tired of great games being bogged down with weak melee systems and super melee lunges. Great games such as the rainbow 6 series have proven that a game system with out melee can be pulled off effectively. Hopefully in the future more games will wise up and remove this out dated system.

-Lord Nerevar