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LordDurendal Blog


Rank: Level 10, Quad Damage
Favourite games: Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings, MGS3: Snake Eater
"You're looking for eternal rest? I've got it right here." Solid Snake, MGS2.
"One lesson I learned early in my military career, Jack Bellman, is that pessimists live longer!"
-Provost Volpe,Impossible Odds
"What's even the point of living anymore, the only thing to look forward to is a bunch of computer
games I can't run on my low-end PC and the cold embrace of death."
- Bookworm, Official Nao.
In the end, racing games are about as fun as a bag of Doritos, when you have your friends over their
great, but after that, it's just a bag of empty air. -LordDurendal


First of all, let me just say, yes Cycloptis it is really overrated (World of Warcraft that is) but I started making a review and I found that I had given it a 9.0. It gets an 8 in graphics, 9 in sound, gameplay and tilt, and a ten in value because you can play it for so long, and it's worth the money. But the main purpose of this journal entry is to decide on a finalized character, therefor I will go over the pros and cons of all my characters.

Llor: Level 14, Human, Paladin,miner/blacksmith, Kilrogg server

Pros: Decent level, good soloing class, decent amount of money

Cons: Boring area(Westfall), can't find tin or silver, blacksmithing going nowhere, Kilrogg server is always down.

Torky: Level 16, Gnome, Rogue, miner/engineer, Shadow Council server

Pros: Decent level, funny looking goggles, good starting area, good amount of money, good guild (Guardians of Dun Morogh) and high engineering skill, as well as the ability to make mechanical squirrels

Cons: Difficult to find mining supplies, engineering difficult to raise at my low level because I can't find the right veins or can't afford the right materials, all the quests are just above my level but the lower ones don't give me much experience.

Rogro: Level 9, Orc, Warrior, Tailor/Skinner, Shadow Council Server

Pros:Fun quests at low levels, rich, can sell lots of linen bags, can make infomercials about linen bags, just given alot of free stuff from a kindly high level Tauren

Cons: I've already done all the quests for orcs while trying it out at my friends house, people hate me because I'm annoying with my bag infomercials, don't get a cool pet or any spells

Gilgalan,Night elf, Druid, level 8, herbalist/Alchemy, kilrogg server

Pros: Druid

Cons: Boring, don't like trade skills, I don't shape change for another few levels.

Galadoran, level 7, Night elf, hunter,Skinner/Leatherworker,,Bonechewer server

Pros: Good trade skills, I like hunters,

Cons: Boring low level areas, already done alot of the quests, boring quests

Tocke: Level 4, Gnome, Warrior, N/A, Kilrogg server

Pros: Gnome, green hair,

Cons: low level, already done quests as Torky, only trade skill left is enchanting.

Well, I think my final decision is that I'll mostly play Rogro, but I'll slowly get Galadoran and Torky through the bad parts and maybe Llor as well. If you have any comments or advice please feel free to say them.

Halo 2

Let me just say that the only good part about this game is the warthog. Now that that's cleared up...

No Falling Damage: Status: What were you thinking?: Description: I'm Master Chief, I can ride a Banshee as high as I want and jump out, and I still don't get hurt. I'm so strong. Now why can't I fire the battle rifle without ending up on my back from the recoil...

No health: Status: (Shudders): Description: No, just no. What the heck? It apparently adds strategic elements to the game, but all it means is that you just hide behind a rock for a few seconds and you're healed. Where's the strategy in that, may I ask? It also means that if you fight someone and they win, you can't even say : Well I almost killed you... They just recharge. And if someones sniping, you can't wear them down under a consisten crush of bodies, because they just stand behind a rock and come back fully prepared.

Coagulation: Status: Blood Gulch Rehash: Description: The only enjoyable part of Halo 1, in my opinion, was 4 player Slayer in Blood Gulch. However, in Halo 2, the map is too big, the bases have too many doors, and the rocket launcher and boarding renders all vehicles obsolete. And the sad thing is, it is still the second best map in the game.

Thankfully I don't have to get this game, because I don't have an XBox.

WoT MMO Part 2

Continuing on with Aes Sedai, you would also have the ability to bind Warders. This would really work as a complicated system of grouping. You could either have human or AI Warders, both of your health bars would be extended, but a small amount of the damage dealt to your Warder would be dealt to you, and the Warder would absorb some of the damage dealt to you. Of course with a human Warder (not AI) you would not be able to bind them permanently, but more on Warders later. Aes Sedai would be the most accessible spell casters. Below is a list of some of their spells.

Healing: Can only heal others, Balefire: Very hard to learn, must be a high level, does a lot of damage and negates some of the damage done by the creature you kill,

There would of course be other, more common spells such as Firebolt, and lightning. The way you learn spells is by gaining levels and going to a special area, a library in large cities, and in dungeons a stationary Angreal, and then they would have to practice the weave by pressing a series of keys in order and fast enough, you would then be able to hot key the spell. The ranks of Aes Sedai would be: Novice: Tutorial Period Accepted: Doing quests in the starting area Aes Sedai: twenty or thirty levels after Accepted, Sitter: 20 or 30 levels after Aes Sedai, and finally you could become the leader of your Ajah, after 40 levels of Sitter, and going through Ajah specific quests. The levels would not be like level 50 and your title is Sitter. It's like, level 5 Novice, and then in the next rank, it's level 1 Accepted.

Wheel of Time... MMO? Part 1.

I have come across many series of books, many great and some bad. Yet one of those series is the Wheel of Time. Fortunately this falls under the category of GREAT. The overarching story follows the adventures of Rand Al'Thor, Perrin Aybara, Mat Cauthon and their companions. If you have not read the series then very likely you will wish to have me committed to an insane asylum for proposing this.

What I wish to make is an MMO for this series. This could not really be an RPG and would work much better as a hack and slash game with realtime attacks and manual blocking. Their are alot of different races of humans and different classes, including some unique magic caster, as well as an accessible base for PVP. The first I will describe is the Aes Sedai.

Aes Sedai- Their are Seven Ajahs of Aes Sedai (female spell Casters) and you would be able to choose any of the other races (except Aiel and Atha'an Miere) but they would all be female. However a male type would be Asha'man of the Black Tower. But back to Aes Sedai. The Green Ajah would have the most powerful spells, the Brown would acquire spells faster and be able to learn more (i.e. Wisdom), the White would be harder to disrupt when casting and be able to cast quickly. The Yellow would be the best at healing, the Blue would be the most well rounded and most charismatic but would have the most difficult quest, and the Red Ajah would be able to fight Asha'man better. Finally, the Gray would would have the ability to influence rulers and be relatively well rounded.

More on Aes Sedai and other types later...

Ah the DOS days... Part 1.

When I was approximately 4 years of age, I was introduced to a fabulous world beyond kindergarten and my best friends, it was computer gaming. We first experienced simple games such as "catch the bricks" on my MACINTOSH and Zelda on my Grandma's NES. But the greater days came later. After my parents gave away my MAC they purchased a new computer. Along with this computer came several games which were on ye olde floppies. Some notables were Commander Keen 1, 5 and Dreams, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventures and Crystal Caves. All of which ran through DOS. Unfortunately, after at least a year of happy gaming with these classics my parents yet AGAIN traded away my computer and got another one. We were then forced to play decent, but not classic games such as X-Wing VS TIE Fighter and Heroes of Might and Magic 2. Fortunately we were blessed with FANTASTIC games such as Warcraft 2 and Starcraft, as well as lesser ones such as Diablo and Heroes 3. But those days were soon gone as well when my parent got a PS2. Fortunately I got several good games and another computer, as well as keeping the old one. But the DOS games were gone. The only way I could still play them was venturing into the infernal lair of the neighbourhood lich (my brother) and opening the fabled chest of doom (also known as fiddling with a computer the "lich" found in a trash can. But those days are gone, and as casual gamers came onto the scene, the once great Old School gamers became a reclusive bunch, mocked for nerds and cast out by society...

Lousy ingrates...

It appears that my computer is not capable of handling anything. I recently purchased an ATI RADEON 9250 video card. "Oh, I'm sorry durendal, you can't fit a simple video card into the correct slot, your case is 1/10 of an inch too short, your computer can't be upgraded, we can't let you play good games on medium settings, you have to watch HL2 the slide show." It's just so frustrating.


Such a great game. But I have several things to say. Why use a silt strider when you can walk? Why take a boat when you can swim? Why walk when you can jump! It increases your acrobatic and you get experience from the monsters on the way.